Unleash a twister at the enemy, dealing damage equal to 150% of your strength and 200% of your speed, and inflict the twister trap debuff against the enemy, which lowers speed by 25% and does damage equal to 25% of your speed and strength per turn for 3 turns.
Unleash a tornado at the enemy, dealing damage equal to 250% of your strength and 200% of your speed, and inflict the tornado trap debuff against the enemy, which lowers speed by 40% and does damage equal to 50% of your speed and strength per turn for 4 turns.
Hurricane Tier 10 Spell Costs 100 Focus It's the king of disaster! Unleash a hurricane at the enemy, dealing damage equal to 400% of your strength and 250% of your speed, and inflict the hurricane vortex debuff against the enemy, which lowers speed by 75% and does damage equal to 10% of your speed and strength per turn for 6 turns.
Typhoon Twister Thunderstorm Tier 15 Spell Costs 300 Focus It's the master of disaster! Unleash a typhoon, twister and thunder as well as rain at the enemy, dealing damage equal to 350% of your strength, 200% of your instinct and 300% of your speed, and 150% of your electric piercing, and inflict the weather bind debuff against the enemy, which lowers speed by 90% and does damage equal to 100% of your speed, instinct and strength per turn for 10 turns.