I would die for being a Christian, but for the things I'm dogmatic about, e.g. that I believe that Jesus is the savior, that the Holy Spirit exists, or that God is the one and only. If someone pointed a gun to my head and asked me, say, if I believed in dispensational premillenialism or not, I'd say whatever they'd want me to say.
I would not die for anything. Very few people in this world willingly die for something. People in army fight for their country because they are told to. Very few would choose to go over seas and die for the USA.
I wouldn't die for anything, there's nothing really worth it. Some people say they would die for their religion, but since I'm Agnostic that doesn't really apply. I wouldn't voluntarily die for my country, but if I do hopefully it will have been worth while.
i am muslim and i would die for my god (not walking in then middle of the street and blowing my self up though) but if the time and place and situation ever came i would be happy to die for my god
i am muslim and i would die for my god (not walking in then middle of the street and blowing my self up though) but if the time and place and situation ever came i would be happy to die for my god
Muslims think in a very strange way, like tha japanese soldiers who were ready to die for the emperor. I don't know if this is good or bad only time knows it.
I would shed blood for some one else, even if they dont care. Its Called Grace for christians like myself. I'd be doing what jesus did. the ultimate sacrifice.
People seem to think that joining the army means accepting death for your country. Fighting for and dying for are completely different. I have faught people for my friends. But I wasn't going to take a beating for those friends. In the same way people fight for their country unwilling to die for it. Martyrdom means you're doing something you know will bring your death for the good of the cause. I don't know what I'd die for. A few people I know. But even then talk is cheap you don't know until someone makes you pick between yourself or the people you care about.
I would die for my faith. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide, but if say, someone held a gun to my head asking if I believe in God or that my belief was true, I couldn't deny it.
I would die for my religion. I am a christian, so if I had a choice of either denouncing Jesus and living or not denouncing Jesus and dying, I would choose death.