ForumsGame WalkthroughsGemcraft last level 1billion+ score..wave 160

11 3749
3 posts

So I was bored and I thought I would post my latest achievement so far in gemcraft. I decided to try the last level because of the awesome success I had beating it the normal way. So I decided to try and push it to the limits.

So here is the first screenshot i took once i realized it was going well.

Wave 107

Wave 143

After that the game became pretty much pointless since all the mobs had around 30million hp. I pretty much couldnt die due to my mana farm I had built up. At the end I wasnt gaining any score anymore since i couldnt really kill the monsters so i decided to make a high level prismatic gem.

I know I have seen higher grade gems and I could have easily gotten it as high as I wanted but it is very time consuming to get those high level gems. Each full inventory of grade 6 gems only yields 1 grade 11 gem.

So i decided to end it. But before i did i waited for a giant monster wave and angered the crap outta it to see the HP i could get the monsters to and well ill let the screenshot speak for itself...

yes that is 4.4trillion hp you see lol

And finally the final score, since i forgot to take a screenie after i beat it heres the score.

Well lemme know what you guys think. If this is good, bad or mediocre. Any input is welcome, thanks


  • 11 Replies
114 posts

Wow, that is insanely high and on the last level.
Good job.

955 posts

well, that's pretty good, though you could make more score if you'd anger waves 30-60, instead of struggling with waves 90+. I have earned a million exp out of a normal level just before second arcane, which had some 28 waves...

I expect you threw a full inventory of grade 6 gems at that wave huh?

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Wow awesome score, you must be a great player at these kind of games. Congratulations.

3 posts

Thanks for the compliments guys. In response to vesper, I wish i could have recorded the attempt cause you would have seens i angered everything up until about 80 (although prolly not enough) I was a little timid angering maybe up to 5 angers only since i didnt wanna blow my attempt. But what happened was my computer was getting really laggy at one point cause I had over 700 monsters on it. and that was around 1billion score. So i stopped angering and I actually killed all the monsters and got em back down to say 10 around wave 100 I think it was. After that though it didnt even pay to anger them since they had so much hp and I couldnt even kill em unless I wanted to sit here for a whole day lol.

3 posts

Also vesper how the hell do u get 1mil exp out of that level lol, the best score ive gotten so far is only like 4mil lol

8 posts

congrats on manking it to wawe 160
score thougn not that impressive, should probely have angered the first wawes more

this was my first try (haven't played it again since, though now when v 1,2 is out I'm intrested) I decided to quit just as you because the were to powerfull and also I had accidently send a couple of wawes not angered enough and also misstakenly bombed on giant wawe to litle:


635 posts

lol, i'm on wave 117, and still tossing a few anger gems around ...
earlier, (wave 60?)i angered a giant wave to 5 mill hp and over 300 monsters. LAG!!!...
so i've kept the anger hp around 1mill each (100 monsters at 1mill hp on every wave since wave 90)

oh, and very few monsters have made a full lap

...i'm going to defeat wave 228, even if it means letting gemcraft run while i sleep.

955 posts

IRT Reaper17 (yep very late but anyway): I have really made me over-anger any and every wave out there, but I was starting with full skill already (2 good endurances off first tier let me max out everything, with 1.2 it's easier since you don't need to do something with "Enhanced Pool" skill), the last wave had IIRC 40k HP and 137 armor, with a very fine boost to score, than I could put all the mana to defences, and with 1.2 I can do with less def but more multiplier instead, resulting in more score.

Playing timid isn't the way it should be if you strive for scores. You first build a mana farm of supergemmed R/Os, each will do something like 40-100 damage while in trap, which means you can easily anger your monsters to ~100 armor, just make sure you have at least a couple duals that do 300-800 damage each in your towers. Then add R/Ps in traps behind your mana farm (4-8 of these, that depends) and watch them lose their armor and get wrecked. Don't be afraid of lag.

fractalman, yep, the game lags, but this is normal for a SWF object with lots of movement each frame. Good luck with 2G hp monsters

635 posts

Afraid of lag? No. it's great stuff-in moderation, and on my computer, any more than 500 monsters would cause painfull amounts of it (less than 1 frame per second).
i had a mana farm with grade 7 r/o's, which i have replaced with a prismatic farm. mana gain, 5 targets, often freezes targeted monsters for continuous fire, AND lowers armor-not to mention the occasional extra hit.

best trap: a grade 18 prismatic. It does about 6mill damage per wave, per monster held.
weakest trap i'm aware of: grade 12 prismatics, 100-600 damage. most of these aren't even being used.
current multiplier: 71.
current score: just under 50 mill exp. (i want to beat the level, not necessarily get a superb score).

955 posts

I would like to see if the defeat of wave 228 will cause a win.... good luck

635 posts

well, if it is, then that'll be pretty annoying. but at least i'll be able to warn everyone else.

on the other hand...
"i feel so powerful...
these monsters cannot stop me...
from, um, taking time to study the gem so i can make my own?"

lol, that would be a great ending

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