ForumsWEPRThe Burning Bridge Theory

24 9378
337 posts

There is a old story that states.

"The man the built a million bridges, all worked fine.
One bridge burned down, twenty people died.
When he died no one remebers him for his million bridges,
they remeber him for the one that burned."

Has this story come to a more true standpoint now more than ever?

Not to beat a dead horse but everyone remebers Micheal Jackson for his child molestiation charges, but no one remebers him for his philanthropy.
Or in a more extreme case
No one remebers Hitler for his invention of painkillers (fact, tested it on jews.) but for the terrible things he did to the jewish people.
(Before anyone attacks me for stating Hitler was awesome, he wasn't it's just a example.)
So has this story hit more to home now more than ever?

  • 24 Replies
928 posts

I believe it, everybody knows me for the pain I've caused, the lies I've spread, The bad choices I've made....Oh and not on AG

873 posts

Really interesting theory, sadly it is pretty true. People sometimes don't slow down and look at the good in the world really.

2,150 posts

I agree with you a ton, but most of the time, the negative outweigh the positive. Yes, Michael Jackson was an amazing artist and a huge philanthropist, but that is outweighed by the allegations that he ***** a child, which imo, bears more weight than the positives. Same thing applies to Hitler. It's all about how the media wants to paint someone. If they want a heel out of a public figure, well they're going to find something. If they want a hero, they'll ignore the bad stuff.

3,437 posts

To the victor go the history books.

554 posts

But many people build bridges and most don't burn. Some Queen who spends her reign making laws and stuff gets remembered because she bathed in ***** milk. Most queens make laws but most don't smell of yoghurt.

26,677 posts

Interesting theory . . . President Bush is only remembered for the horrible economy . . . Not that I am saying I like Bush, it's just a example . . . But think about it, did we have another attack on the US? No.

And in his first months of office he passed No Child Left Behind. Who here remembers Bush for that? What about his ability to get stuff done?

Obama is hated for the Health Care Law and National Debt, yet everybody rejoices for him causing the death of Bin Laden. He did nothing to kill Bin Laden, the SEALs opperate under order of Congress, not the president. Neither Obama nor Congress shoot Bin Laden in the head twice, it was a Navy SEAL team. This is misassociation of the good deeds done by others to the person incharge at the time.

The media has taken to libel and slander as its priority when developing the news. The world is still naught but a Vanity fair where one sells their soul for fleeting fame equalling but a flash in the pan. Morality is the cost of "making a difference" in today's world, yet the only difference made is degradation and self indulgence. This is far from a new occurence, this has been going on for all of human existence and possibly longer still, the only difference is that we can tell everybody in the world with one click of a mouse. Humanity is made to think like this, as Cenere has suggested. We think that people will always repeat past mistakes because as we grew as a species, any mistake in the wild could be lethal. Who's to say that that Doctor that accidentally killed another person won't make the same mistake again? He saved hundreds of lives, but we still see nothing but the dead man on the table.
1,826 posts

Interesting theory . . . President Bush is only remembered for the horrible economy . . . Not that I am saying I like Bush, it's just a example . . . But think about it, did we have another attack on the US? No.

no he is also remembered for killing innoccent iraqis,afghans'akistanis lying to whole world and getting a shoe on his face
52 posts

This is the same thing that Shakespeare highlighted in Julius Caesar in Mark Antony's speech. "The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones" Sadly humanity has never seemed to learn from the good things that it does, after all we are raised from infancy being told to learn from our mistakes, not our sucesses. It's a travesty and a shame that we are known by just how evil we are and not how good.

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