ForumsGame WalkthroughsStorm the house 2

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I know lots and lots of people have played this game and beat it (please also forgive me if there is a post on this i did not see)but this is a good guide for someone that is having trouble or doesnt know the strategy

1. Those guns that are for sale look real sweet, but do not but them yet!!!
2. Every penny you get spen on rifleman, silo workers, (craftsman optional considering a good amount of rifleman take care of the job)
3. Advance your fort to the highest it lets you
4. Buy clip sizes x5 every next day
5. If you follow all these steps and do number 1 correctly you should have enough money to buy every single weapon your heart desires, although ol' glory is everything and anything

*Note* following this will most probally get you bored very quickly because of all the rifleman, but having the heavy armor is very fun :P

PS: i am very new and this is my first guide so please go easy on me and dont leave nasty comments cheers!!

  • 2 Replies
18 posts

Ok so first you need to buy 3 gunmen, then after that you just buy lots of repair men, and guns wise, buy anything exsept for the shotgun, mainly you want to go whatever you can aim best with, (because thats 80% of the game!) and you should also try storm the house 3, it is my personal favorate, althought i wouldent sujest the game for a slow computer, because theres lots of detail, HOPE THIS HELPED!

18 posts

the key is to first get a better gun, then repairmen, then pile on the gunners, i have beaten the game so many times!!! :-)

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