I wasn't sure if this should go here or in games, so if it needs to be moved please tell me. I was wondering what your favourite game soundtrack is and why, don't just give a one word answer. For me it's the soundtrack from the Myst games, especially Myst II Exile. I just spent about an hour trying to find a place to download it from, and as a last resort, I had to rip the file off of a site that was streaming the song. Technically it wasn't doing anything illegal since I already owned the music in the form of the game itself.
I agree with Wallydog, All MGS have some seriously great sound(yes, even the MIDI like ones) I also love the SOundtrack of Final Fantasy, especially Vivi's theme.
And of course, Soundtrack of (almost) all of Sonic games (including Shadow's).
What? It has at least 700 songs last time I checked. (I haven't played in a while so it's probably more now). They're all instrumental, but I like almost all of them because most of them are awesome in their own way.
I would have to go with Wii Music as there's nothing more than what I love to hear on the main screen and the wonderful songs that you unlock which are of various genre which is soothing to the ear.
the music of the Command and conquer Tiberum Dawn is really great some kind of mix from military percussion music ,rock and techno besides of that the Doom e1m1 music track is just awesome and not to forget : MOOOOOOOOORTAL KOOOMBAT!!!!
It's not singing or anything, just the instruments. Sometimes it's some sort of old Chinese music then it can shift to heavier music during certain situations in the game.
Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy (though it used to be better) and the Sonic series all have excellent musics. however, my personal favorite is the Ratchet and Clank series musics. they base what music is playing on what the level is like and the enemies' strength and numbers. their music is unbelievably good.
other honorable mentions include: Ace Combat games, Sly Cooper games, Spyro games (both old and new), the older Crash Bandacoot (NaughtyDog and Universal), Mortal Combat, Pokemon, and others
Final Fantasy IV, Golden Sun (both of the GBA ones), aaaand Lost Odyssey. All have amazing soundtracks - FFIV and Lost Odyssey of course done by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu - and all of the games are games I want or have the OSTs for.