Kill - 10 (Kill an enemy) Headshot - 20 (Kill an enemy with a headshot) Gibbed - 30 (Kill an enemy by making them explode into giblets) Midair Kill - 15 (Kill an enemy in midair) Midair Headshot - 25 (Kill an enemy with a headshot in midair) Midair Gibbed - 35 (Kill an enemy by making them explode into giblets in midair)
Double Kill - 10 (Kill 2 enemies at once) Triple Kill - 20 (Kill 2 enemies at once) Quad Kill - 30 (Kill 2 enemies at once)
Ammo Efficiency - 200 (25 multi kills) Ammo Conservationist - 500 (50 multi kills) Multi-Kill Master - 1000 (150 multi kills)
Pyro-curious - 100 (25 explosives kills) Pyrotechnician - 500 (50 explosives kills) Pyromaniac - 1000 (100 explosives kills) I AM A BOMB! - 5000 (200 explosives kills)
Untouchable - 5 (Killed 10 enemies without being hit)
Execution - 30 (Perform an execution on an enemy)
Tried em All - 100 (Get a kill with every weapon)
Pain Don't Hurt - 25 (get down to near death and survive) Gun Chucker - 20 (Last hit on enemy was with a thrown weapon) You can shoot them too - 80 (Kill an enemy with only thrown weapons) Variety Kill - 50 (Shoot/Hit an enemy with 4 different weapons) Pincoushin - 10 (Kill an enemy with 4 arrows to the head) Pinned Down - 25 (shoot enenmy in head, body, foot w/arrows) Beat Down! - 5 (Kill an enemy with only headshots w/ lead pipe or stomps) Explosives Overkill - 10 (Shoot an enemy with 3 grenade darts) Can't wait for it - 15 (Shoot an enemy with a grenade dart, then with spiked grenade) ITSATRAP! - 200 (detonate 50 spike grenades on enemies)
//beretta bonuses 9mm Warrior - 100 (15 kills with 1 Beretta) Sidearm Focus - 250 (30 kills with 1 Beretta) Beligerantly Understated - 1000 (50 kills with 1 Beretta)
//dual beretta bonuses 2 Is Better Than 1 - 100 (25 kills with dual Berettas) Death In Stereo - 250 (50 kills with dual Berettas) Deciple Of Woo - 1000 (100 kills with dual Berettas)
//magnum bonuses Handcannon Proficency - 100 (25 kills with the Magnum) Soar Hands - 250 (50 kills with the Magnum) Do Ya Feel Lucky? - 1000 (100 kills with the Magnum)
//thompson bonuses I Let My Gun Do The Talkin, See? - 100 (25 kills with the Thompson) You'll never take me alive, Coppers! - 250 (50 kills with the Thompson) Chicago Memoir - 1000 (100 kills with the Thompson)
//glock 18 bonuses Safe, Semi, KILL - 100 (15 kills with 1 Glock 18) Spray and pray champ - 250 (30 kills with 1 Glock 18) Abundance Of Ammunition - 1000 (50 kills with 1 Glock 18)
//dual glock 18 bonuses Who needs accuracy? - 100 (25 kills with dual Glock 18s) Wall of fire - 250 (50 kills with dual Glock 18s) Bullet hose wrangler - 1000 (100 kills with dual Glock 18s)
//lever shotgun bonuses Kicks like a muel - 100 (15 kills with 1 Lever Shotgun) short distance engagement - 250 (30 kills with 1 Lever Shotgun) Shove it up their nose and pull the trigger - 1000 (50 kills with 1 Lever Shotgun)
//dual lever shotgun bonuses Terminated - 100 (25 kills with dual Lever Shotguns) Even better than a double barrel - 250 (50 kills with dual Lever Shotguns) Hasta La Vista - 1000 (100 kills with dual Lever Shotguns)
//auto shogun bonuses Buckshot artist - 100 (25 kills with the Auto Shotgun) Scattergun master - 250 (50 kills with the Auto Shotgun) Shotgun Sniper - 1000 (100 kills with the Auto Shotgun)
//rebound shotgun bonuses On the rebound - 100 (25 kills with the Rebound Shotgun) Can't miss - 250 (50 kills with the Rebound Shotgun) Collateral damage - 1000 (100 kills with the Rebound Shotgun)
//pancor bonuses No such thing as overkill - 100 (25 kills with the PANCOR Shotgun) The more the merrier - 250 (50 kills with the PANCOR Shotgun) Buckshot firestorm - 1000 (100 kills with the PANCOR Shotgun)
//spike grenade bonuses Tactical Grenadier - 100 (25 kills with the Spike Grenade Launcher) This is how to arc it - 250 (50 kills with the Spike Grenade Launcher) Fire and shrapnel; this is my love - 1000 (100 kills with the Spike Grenade Launcher)
//grenade dart bonuses Surprise inside! - 100 (25 kills with the Grenade Dart Launcher) Five Second Fuse - 250 (50 kills with the Grenade Dart Launcher) Tag! You're Dead! - 1000 (100 kills with the Grenade Dart Launcher)
//laser cannon bonuses IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER - 100 (25 kills with the Laser Cannon) IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZUR - 250 (50 kills with the Laser Cannon) LAZOR OVURLOAD! - 1000 (100 kills with the Laser Cannon)
//tavor bonuses This is my rifle - 100 (25 kills with the Tavor) Bring on the assault - 250 (50 kills with the Tavor) Never bring a pistol to a rifle fight - 1000 (100 kills with the Tavor)
//arrow gun bonuses Skewered - 100 (25 kills with the Arrow Gun) Human Shish Kebab - 250 (50 kills with the Arrow Gun) Piercing Glare - 1000 (100 kills with the Arrow Gun)
//pipe bonuses Crude but effective - 100 (25 kills with the Lead Pipe) Clubby goodness - 250 (50 kills with the Lead Pipe) Lead Pipe Ninja - 1000 (100 kills with the Lead Pipe)
//acid genade bonuses Chemical Burn - 100 (25 kills with the Acid Grenade Launcher) Flesh Melter - 250 (50 kills with the Acid Grenade Launcher) Corrosive personality - 1000 (100 kills with the Acid Grenade Launcher)
//Artifact 19 bonuses 500,000 Volts - 100 (25 kills with the Artifact 19) Lightning Death Dealer - 250 (50 kills with the Artifact 19) Divine Powers - 1000 (100 kills with the Artifact 19)