If you have watched the news before, or watched FOX News, you may know who Bill O'Reilly is. I created this thread to have a discussion about him and for people to voice their opinions about him.
I dislike polarizing news/pundits in general, and I also find that my views do not coincide with his, so I rarely view the program. Usually all the exposure I get is when the Daily Show or Colbert Report run clips of him =P
Um, he's an. . . interesting character, to say the least. Although I do have a similar belief system, I think he takes it to far. Half the time I've seen him is when he makes Rush Limbaugh look like a moderate. So ya, not exactly a big fan. Makes us all look like idiots and gives people (including some people on this site, whom I will not mention) a REALLY wrong idea of conservatism. Makes me, how should I put? Angry. Makes us all look like idiots. I'm far right, but he's to far for even me.
Even for me. I do not watch Fox News every day. However, his jokes are incredibly racist. In Eighth Grade (going into Tenth), one of my teachers played to my class a radio broadcast of him. He had told a person he was on the phone with he would consider sending a lynching party after Michelle Obama. It was incredibly startling.
Fox news is crap here in Houston. Boring, dull and immaculate. I prefer some of the programs but their not in season right now. I prefer ABC. Better current programming and no noticeable swing either way.
I like how anyone who's so far to the right that they're blatantly racist and offensive
OH MY GOD! You're one of those people who just because someone doesn't like Obama they're racist! THAT is hilarious. I almost **** myself laughing reading that!!!
He does tell me what I want to hear, that the government is out of control and needs to be stopped. What say you?
Great, another thread to bash a conservative talk show host
Well I know of a talk show host and a radio show host that have been bashed for being extremist hypocrites, but could you name a few others I am not aware of that have been bashed before?
OH MY GOD! You're one of those people who just because someone doesn't like Obama they're racist! THAT is hilarious. I almost **** myself laughing reading that!!!
While I think he could have worded that better, O'Reilly has made what seem to be blatant stereotypical and racist remarks in the past conservative or not, and the two main ones I have heard were about Michelle Obama, and a restaurant of all things.
OH MY GOD! You're one of those people who just because someone doesn't like Obama they're racist! THAT is hilarious. I almost **** myself laughing reading that!!!
No, I never said that. The way he goes about expressing his dislike for Obama and other black folk in a manner that is racist, and apparently you enjoy such diction. Do you even listen to O'Reilly, or are you just throwing partisan comebacks at me?