Alright, so there are a lot of power combos in StormWinds 1.5. When you find them, you're pretty much invincible. When developing the game, we discovered quite a few, but I haven't seen any posted anywhere in the comments or forums, which is disappointing.
If you find a power combo, post it here!
I'll go first, one of my favorite power combos is Dual Machine Gun + 4 Time Guns. You just keep stopping time endlessly as needed until everything is dead!
Anybody find other ones? There are a lot of them if you're clever...
Jeez, I had problems beating the first campaign! Every turn I swapped out all of my turrets, because every turn every single one was destroyed except the rocket turret. I have problems aiming with the main cannon :P
For the first campaign, I recommend using the dual machine gun if you're new to the game. Also, you shouldn't be swapping out broken guns, just repair them!
The best is the simple cannon and the apocalypse cannon. No oters even deserve to be mentioned. I had one of each and beat the hardest campagne very easily. Aim comes with practice. Trust me!
The best combo, in my opinion, is one duel machine guns and three (or four, depending on the campaign) Damage Buffers. After the first few waves, the duel machine gun does 8 damage a shot, extremely powerful for it's firing speed.
Remote Missiles + fire rate buff is pretty powerful. The key with missiles is that if you use hotkeys, you can keep sending them out, and they last forever! I have screenshots of 20 missiles or so circling around a mouse, waiting for a big unit to come out who will die instantly.
great fun= minigun+2firerate+2damage (that is if your cheating) amazing speed and damage...and for those with EC...3meteor guns and 2 fire rate = incredible
it may not be a "ower Combo" but try beating the first campaign with only decoy drones..(note it helps if you've beaten most of the campaigns so that you can get the decoys fighting)
I actually tried to do this, and I found that you can beat the first two campaigns easily with only the cannon :P After the first two or three waves it can destroy nearly anything in one shot, and by the end you should be able to destroy a warship in one hit if you hit it in it's weak point.
easy easy.... make one barrier decoy, in the front. then make a spread machinegun/ dual machine gun dont upgrade health for the gun at all, only damage and a damage buffer if you have open places, you can make a fire rate buffer/2nd damage buffer with this combination, you can finish any level for insure, you can make those automatic operating balloons(auto airship/decoy drones) for incase your gun damage is too low to kill heavy shielded ships. but these usely come late in the level, and then your gun is high upgraded enough to do damage.
well, the best power combo is one tri-machine gun and then a mix of damage buffers and rocket launchers. The rockets will still home in on your mouse even when you have switched to the triple machine gun, so you could concievably just sit there with 20+ missiles like someone has already said in this thread but also have the triple machinegun killing stuff. Now, wait... I think triple machine gun is EC only for 1.5, I was thinking lost campaigns... Ok, just go with the double machinegun because it has 360 degree rotation and it's almost as good as the triple machine gun... now, ONLY upgrade damage for your weapons... that's all there is to it, get a machine gun and rockets and a damage buffer or two and then just upgrade their damage, and you've got yourself one powerful combination right there. On the last campaign I did on LC I was hitting I think tens with my triple machinegun and the rockets were killing all sorts of crap, the only problem is with the aiming, as if you put your cursor directly on the enemy to shoot them, you will waste a rocket or two. Also, the main reason I include rockets is that some enemies are not vulnerable from the front, so you need to get your rockets in behind them in order to get past their armor. Well, that's all I have to say, just machine gun and rockets... now, have fun with an extremely easy game, since this combo takes all the fun out of it... =D and, I was disappointed with the minigun... It sucks hardcore.