ForumsThe Tavern'Write A Movie' Contest - Theme: (pending)

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This thread is going to be a success! Me and goumas13 thought of this thread. When he gets on I'll tell him to come here and tell you what he is going to do. What you are going to do is make a movie using these directions.

Movie Cover: (picture from photobucket)

There are going to be two judges for each competition. Each competition will be two weeks long. And the winner will receive a merit by Carlie. You cannot win twice.

Now all I need is to have two judges.

First competition is going to start when I have two judges to judge the movies. It will end on July 24th. Get Thinking!!!!

  • 1,443 Replies
1,270 posts

Plot: The year is 2300 and the world has just come out of WWIII. The devastation is massive a repairs are still going on. During the war NASA's O.A.S.s (Orbital Assault Ship) were orbiting the earth fighting off other Orbital battle cruisers when an OAS went missing. Aster the war NASA decided to send a probe into space to track down the OAS. The probe went as far as the other side of Mars where the signal from it to NASA HQ was lost. NASA run multiple diagnostics but nothing worked. After 12 weeks a signal was found, the probe's camera transmitter was back online. When it came on it was a vision of the Earth. An operator attempted to turn the camera around, this worked, and they were now looking in the direction of Mars. He moved it down just to see if the camera was still capable of doing so, when he flipped it up, the vision of the camera seemed to be blocked by something. Suddenly the probe lost signal. NEXON installment: A massive telescope capable of twice that of the Hubble telescope, was initiated. NASA tried to find the area the probe was. Eventually, using many references and just plain old "I recognize that" the area was found. It was extremely blurry but they made out something. The lens was soon focused on that spot and then they saw it, a massive space ship coming in the direction of the Earth. This was not an OAS or a human space cruiser of any sort. The vision through the lens of the ship lasted 10 minutes before the ship launched something. Whatever it was, it shut down the telescope, in fact, all technologies capable of spotting the object were shut down. A defense act was launched into space to stop or potentially destroy the cruiser. The attack failed and a retaliation was in order. Before the next defense attack was launched the ship shot hundreds of pods in the direction of the Earth. These were not detectable on radar and could not be targeted by any modern weapon. The instant the Pods hit the ground a giant worldwide blackout happened. Everything containing electronic radio waves shut down. When the pods landed the military was standing by. Then they lost their orders. Planes in the sky lost electricity and began to fall. The military awaited orders but were never going to get any. When the pod started to transform into some sort of Mechanical Walker the military knew they had to open fire. Soon after all the pods had transformed the Blackout ended. A retaliation attack was ordered on the Alien robots and a giant war broke out. The Robots were very powerful with large guns and many of them. As more and more of these robots landed the war got bigger, and cities and civilization got smaller. Its up to the armies across the world to defeat the giant alien Mechs and stop them from destroying the human race. But the secret to the Mech's power is in the most unlikely place imaginable.
Setting: US, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Antarctica, Africa
Characters: Ryan Williams (commander of a large US battalion) BLACKOUT (The lead Alien mech) Chris Green (NASA worker)
Movie Cover:

1,181 posts

Wow the Mods finally changed the title.

btw who won the lst round, and how many entries do we have now?

657 posts

*high fives Hood* Good to have you back my friend. The last round Thyll won. And I believe we have 2 entries for this one. Maybe 3. I'm getting the idea in my head for mine right now. Though idk if I should even do one. I try so hard but I never win =(

1,181 posts

Its all good just dont think to hard and think about you in the movie its self its fun after a while.

but i think i may have to enter in mines tomorro i gotta get out of here lol bye guyz.

657 posts

Night Hood. I made my story. Now I just gotta make my picture. Wish me luck everyone

657 posts

Once again I try! >=O

Title: Don't Stare

Plot: As Greg broke through the final door he realized that he was not alone. He could see no one but his prize in the room; yet he knew that taking a few more steps would draw out a demon. Not a demon from the history terminals, but a human that was so evil and powerful that he could command the fear in people's hearts to be known as a demon. As Greg heard the soft whining of the spacecrafts engines he tried to pick out any movement or sound he could. "How stupid am I" he thought. He knew that the most dangerous man in the galaxy wouldn't make any sounds if he didn't want to. As he stared at the crystal across the room, sitting on its pedestal, he thought about how easy it would be to just run over and grab it. The urge for it was so powerful that Greg took a small step forward. Nearly losing his front half to a sword swing so fast and deadly that he only dodge it because he had trained for this moment all his life. He stared at the figure standing a few yards away from him. His black cape hanging just below his heels. A sense of pure dread came over Greg at he gazed upon the figure. He could almost smell the death that dripped from the man's body. "I've come to challenge you and claim the crystal!" shouted Greg. "Oh have you?" asked the man. Greg drew his sword. The sword that he had crafted himself. Made of the hardest mineral in the galaxy. Yet sharpened to such a thinness that it could slice through a whole spacecraft but just dropping it. Greg charged forward with all of his might, determined to drive his sword through the man. But before he could even blink the man was gone and Greg's sword drove into nothing but air. He looked around knowing that the next move would be the famous assassin's. He nearly gasped as the black cloak fell to the floor a few feet away from him. The cloak with the assassin inside it. "Why do you keep your head down?!" yelled Greg. "Are you mocking me?!" The man chuckled and replied "I'm not mocking you at all good sir". Greg's eyes widened as the assassin's hand crept from the cloak and pulled a sheath with it. The assassin was galaxy known for using a regular samurai sword to kill his victims instead and a sword crafted by technology or a beam-saber. "Do you know why everyone fears me?" Asked the assassin. "Because you are the most dangerous man alive" stated Greg. "No" chuckled the man. "It is because of my eyes" As he said this he looked up straight as Greg. Greg stood completely still. Just staring into the hood of the cloak. A shiver, that started in his spine, quickly spread through his entire body and made him fall to his knees. "W-what are you?" he stammered. "A demon" said the grinning assassin. "Don't stare" he whispered as he lunged forward with speed only the dead could describe.

Setting: The inside of one of the most feared and respected ships in space.

Characters: Greg and the assassin.

And another picture I made myself in photoshop!

657 posts

Bump for the ppl that havn't seen the new topic (thank you to whichever mod changed the title)

13,344 posts

(thank you to whichever mod changed the title)

That would be citnag.
657 posts

I rly don't think I've ever seen him before =O But thank you if you ever look in here ^-^

1,181 posts

ok well i guess its time for me to make minez now lol wish me luck cause i suck at scifi Y. Y

1,181 posts

Title: Defend Our World

After the final days of the earth a world long launch of space shuttles where launched out into space unfortunatly the world didn't end and thousands of people where left on the sandy crust of the earth after 12 years of waitng for the people who lauched off that fatful day something returned but it wasnt human a large space craft came back and landed it was as big as a mountain and so it deployed out its monstrous aliens and the people of earth make there way to stand against the aliens and defend their planet.

Setting: Texas, North Carilina, Washington, New York in the 2055

John 19 yrz old
Lyssa 18 yrz old
Brian 24 yrz old
Jet 32 yrz old
Thousands of other human civilians.
Thousands of other alien invaders.

Movie Cover:

476 posts

Ow. Run on sentence much?
*throws some punctuation at HoodHulk*

1,181 posts

Hey...cut me some slack...i wasnt pay any attention on the punctuaion. lol

4,682 posts

Ernie, did you make us make movie covers again?

20,591 posts

Nope, don't believe so, everyone seems to think of him as leader now O.O

Or maybe tennis appointed him...
It isn't required, optional, in other words.

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