ugh... why do ppl like this movie so much??? the plot was shallow, the fight scenes werent even that great, and the humor was childish. this movie sucked. plz, i beg of you stop giving them money. if you keep watching it they're just going to make a third one.
I prefer the first Transformers movie actually. Sure RotF (Rise of the Fallen) had lots of action, but there wasn't much story imo. The first one actually introduced you to the Transformers, so I expected 2nd to explain the Transformer's world, and it did... but not as much as I expected. I just hope they can redeem themselves with #3, IF they make it.
A lot of people I know insists that it's the best movie ever made. EKKK.... WRONG! This movie was so FULL of plotholes I'd be surprised that it could even hold any water! The human characters were mostly annoying and not really useful for anything at all! The geographies were all wrong. And everyone I know who liked the movie only loved it because of Megan Fox's bouncing boobs (which is really really juvenile). The jokes were juvenile as well (what's with all the 'scrotum/testicle' related jokes? What's with all the blatantly slapstick humour? I'm sure TF can do better than this!)
The movie also marketed itself to be a smart and cool movie. What happened was that it turned out to be a complete dud. Whenever the robots weren't on-screen (read: Optimus Prime), the movie fell flat on its face. Oh, and what's with travelling all the way to Egypt to revive Optimus when all Sam had to do was insert the All-Spark shard he had into Optimus' chest? It certainly revived Jetfire who is MUCH OLDER and MUCH RUSTIER than Optimus! What a waste of 1 extra hour in a useless plot. Oh and Sam woke up in robot heaven! Wow... Sam must be a secret robot too!