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324 posts

I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family

  • 588 Replies
2,120 posts

You are wrong, it's more like asking "what do you think god would be like if he were real?" Which would be quite easy for any non-religious person to answer. So, what would you do
IF, there were no more animals to eat, genetically modify, make into clothing, test dangerous products on, or kill for fun? And may I remind you that I said "if" in the previous question as well.

2,120 posts

Sorry, typo.

what would you do IF there were no more animals to eat, genetically modify, make into clothing, test dangerous products on, or kill for fun?

266 posts

Well your right, that would be the proper way to phrase that question if directed towards someone who doesn't believe in God. Alright then, I'll bite: If there were no more animals, we would all have to become vegetarians. I will say that I would not enjoy life if I could not have a juicy steak every once in a while, so I would probably be miserable haha.

10,816 posts

Guys, here's a neutral phrasing:

Think of the earth as an arena, where there is a certain amount of resource to be had, and there are many players competing for these resources. Each species is a single 'team'- and each team is also potentially a resource.

The important word here is competition. I'm sure we all wish we could get along but where there is competition this is simply not possible. That humans populate the earth at all means that there's less for others, etc. etc. In this way, we're always contributing to the extinction of many species and the whittling away of biodiversity, because ecology is always changing.

Let us grant, naturally, that there will always be (for the time being) those who eat meat and therefore propagate the meat industry. In the barest terms, what we are concerned about is whether we're doing this responsibly. Whether what we're doing is affecting the environment (both flora and fauna) to the extent that it's going to come back to bite us later.

The answer seems to be that we could always do better- which would involve amending mistakes made in the past, but it also seems that there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Politically, they are great, but practically, arguments about whether one ought to not eat meat or to eat meat should be taken with a grain of (iodised) salt :P

1,482 posts

You have a distorted veiw of sarcasm or funnyness, bud. xP

Anyway, all I know were NOT doing this responsibly. The fact is is that with all the greed and loss of compassion in this world, were murdering animals. But the thing is is that were NOT murdering that bad. We may have killed that penguin and made it extinct in `1970. We may have killed a few large cats. But its the cycle of the earth, I'm sorry that we have increased the extermination rate 100 fold, but after all we are humans. I wouldn't starve myself or deprive myself of the right to eat meat, something that humans should do if they're wanting to be healthy. So, as for that, as long as humans live, and competition reigns supreme, it will never be so.

BUT, I'm sure we can improve the way we kill, eat, and use what we kill.

1,562 posts

i agree whole heartedly with armed blade

This is kinda funny I heard this from my friend, i have nothing against vegetarians, in fact my bro is a vegetarian...but anyway this is kinda funny

Are you vegetarian because you like animals are just hate plants? I mean look at the way they grow lettuce in mass amounts on these farms, and then they brutally chop the heads off

324 posts

Sting think of it this way most turn veg. People notice that they are not selling hamburgers, hence stoping wasting money on the expensive beef, slaughter houses realize this and have to dump the skinned and drained bodies, hence costing them more money to dump them instead of selling them. The slowy stop killing animals beacuse it is getting expensive to dispose of there carcasses! The whole prosces would take about 3 months tops. Every body would live longer smog and pollution rates would go down gas could cost less than half we can feed third world contries and save money doing it taxes would drop dramaticaly people would become skinny and healthy people would overall be happier we could put all of the wasted money into future ideas or helping homeless Making your internet connection faster and cheaper same with your phone and tv we could cure aids and diabeates with all of that money we could provide pain killers to test animals. The river, lake, ocean water will be cleaner. Illiage imagrants would not come here (most immagrants first jobs are slaughter houses) we could flourish in every way!

1,482 posts

"Everybody would live longer". ARE YOU MAD?

Even the Japanese, who eat a well thought rate of rice and veggies also eat a good lot of fishy products. The fact is is that for one you can't change the natural order of things, let alone the natural way humans are supposed to eat. So, we'd weaken our muscles, hurt our lifes, and MAINLY deny us of protine, which we need VERY much.

Onwards, you would crash the meat industry, severely hurting our economy, and after that we'd have Animal problems and all sorts of rebellion.
Taxes WOULDNT drop, the Government needs food aid, but if something that insane and dramatic happened all the government would do is use the cash for its benefit. The meat industry crashing would leave many jobless.
The money from people flying to other things would end up in technology, made by carbon. You now have dead fish, [Overpopulated fish crashing into a dam ALOT] dirty rivers, lakes, and ocean waters. Along with intenser bad air.
Illeagle immigrants would come here, sure they're countrys better, but with that sort of change, our greedy governemtn would take controll on that change with every last penny and man [Alot of which we have]. With that, as we flourish hell reigns over people. [Flourish by helping other countries and having more cash.] Soon our Aid would become a dependent source to countries, and with meat wanters and other problems, if we leave the aid we'd have a chance on a backstab or the guilt of killing many lives with starvation. We'd live off of a short-term-plan method which wouldn't help.

Also, without meat we'd have less food, as not all of earth is arable, alot of non-arable spots ARE in fact areas where you can have animals to raise, milk, and kill at their time. All of which is normal, casual, and hopefully done in the right manner.

Beef is only expensive because of supply and demand, mainly demand. The supply part is a hoax, WE ARE NOT RUNNING OUT OF COWS, GOATS, and CHICKENS!!!!!!!!

10,816 posts

Armed makes many good points but it sounds a little reactive to me, sorry Armed :P However, the notes on the economy, and also the ecological consequences of *not* eating meat at all have truth in them.

We need to remember where we are now, and where we came from, in order to discuss what we do next.

In terms of diet- this is still controversial because it is largely unknown. The only thing that is known is that different diets work for different people...the strongest correlation we have now is merely geography, possibly due to the secondary factors tied into this, but for now, simply where you live.

As for the meat industry, I know that there are compelling arguments that, regardless of the above, are still critical of it. I'l say that the meat industry has overall changed the lives of populations of animals...but even whether this is for better or for worse for the animals (on the whole, not just in cases of abuse and neglect) is debatable for a huge number of reasons, the first being how would one decide such a thing?

The notion of the deprivation of freedom frequently comes to mind. But ask yourselves: just how free are you?

324 posts

WoW you win congrats what is your prize? so we would eat only fish but we would live longer I'M NOT JUST MAD I AM INSANE A COMPLETE LUNTIC WITH A MAC. AND A MEAT FREE DREAM I AM F U C K I N G CRAZY!

10,816 posts

Steevo: I just noticed your post. This is part of the reason for vegans.

1,562 posts

Lol yeah i just realized that, its kinda just a joke tho

1,482 posts

"WITH A MAC." Lmfao, that got me laughing. XD

No, skipper, I'm saying we would eat fish, as they are animals, as they are meat.

Also, being reactive can be good, Strop >.> [I think]

Yeah, well, here and now lemme continue. :P

Its true that diffferent diets are uknown, but excluding meat can be life threatning. I mean, meat is litterally a human resource. Its like people only take 6 drops of water a day to save a river. Sorry, not the way you go about things. [A bit exaggerate :P]

I say, were as free as we can get. After all, life is restricted to let everyone be free.

10,816 posts

Steevo: Honest, it's not a joke for some. It is a joke for many though...I admit to laughing at many a parody cartoon on the topic...


But anyway, vegans operate on the belief that...uh, hope I get this right, they are not allowed to eat animal products of any kind. I think it's actually "fruitarians" that eat only ripe products from, what's the word for the group that eats only stuff that died "from natural causes"...

Again: anaemia and B12 deficiency is indeed a common problem in vego diets, but it is not a necessary problem. Hint: eat legumes. Variety is the spice of life, and it's not like amino acids and proteins are the domain of meat alone, duh!

1,482 posts

I'd rather have NO problems then "Unecessary problems". Hint: Even though they are a common problem in Vego diets, there not the only kinds.

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