I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
HEY LOOK EVERYBODY THAT DOES NOT BELIVE ME Check this page out it has some facts that are 100% correct many other respected websites agree with this info
anyways after reading some of the posts id like to say that people are different you cant just say "I THONK MEAT EATING IS WRONG AND I SHOULD TELL YOU THAT" well its easy to say people have their own views on stuff and we shouldnt be arguing about this meaningless stuff also <----omnivore tyvm
WoW rvc92 you think that animal slayghter is meaningless? So you would not mind if I came into your house cut up your family then bunr their flesh and eat them. Is that O.K. ? o yea you have no choice.
im vegitarian. its cruel when animals get slaughtered. what if you were that animal huh? "THEY GOT RIGHTS TO LIVE ON EARTH TO YOU KNOW! WE SHARE THIS PLANET!"
Vegetarians fail to realize that animals are just that - animals. They are lower lifeforms that we have dominion over. While they may be capable of pain, they are NOT sentient and are NOT able to think on the level to decide what is right and wrong. Therefore, I have no compunction about slaughtering and eating them. Good day.
i admire your want to be a vegetarian i hate how animals are slaughtered to but unless the major population of the world quit eating meat theres going to be a major company doing this :/
I just refuse to see the logic of depriving myself the foods that humans were designed to consume. And what about plants? Are they not alive before we kill them? How do you know a plant is incapable of feeling pain? Yet you'd eat that and treat it as though it weren't alive. Just because something doesn't strugle doesn't mean it doesn't feel pain. Eat what you want, just make sure you know what you're eating.
Though, to be honest, PETA only wants to stop people from eating animals so they have more for themselves. PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals. Dog is quite delicious, did you know? I had it one time when I went with my (very) affluent great-grandfather to China.
If i remember correctly in the botany part of biology that scientists have proven plant, and plant life have no nervous system which means if they have no nerves they dont feel pain
im not vegetarian myself but i do think that animal slaughtering should be more controlled some of it is still very brutal and barbaric
At one point in my life, I wanted to become a vegetarian. I talked to my doctor about it and found out that I, like most girls my age, was pretty severly iron-defficient and it would be very unhealthy for me to not eat red meat even if I did take iron supplements.
Some animals are designed to be able to get along by just eating vegetables; some need animal products in order to get the nutrients they need. Most humans fall into that category. My advice to anyone who wants to be a vegetarian is to talk to a doctor about their personal dietary needs and proceed from there.
The usages of the word "slaughter" and "kill" are different. To slaughter is to kill, but to kill is not necessarily to slaughter.
In the context of the original discussion, the killing of animals for the food industry is indeed referred to as "animal slaughter". However, so too is wanton destruction etc. Killing animals or managing their population numbers for the sake of environmental preservation (not just keeping humans safe, but plant and animal biodiversity in general, or in the case of an outbreak), is usually referred to as "culling", or euphemistically, merely "opulation control".
IMO, the main concern we have above all is that we behave in a manner that is responsible to our host i.e. the Earth and its environment. As we are capable of exerting control over the environment, as well as due to the results of our past behaviors, altering the course of nature in such ways as creating a meat market etc., it is up to us to come up with solutions that provide the best possible outcome for not just humans, but for all things, because this will in turn affect outcomes for humans themselves. Despite our treatment of it, we're still part of the chain.
Remembering this may help provide the basis for a more reasonable discussion, whether you believe in ethical vegetarianism, are an omnivore, or think that humans are somehow intrinsically different from other species.
I'm a vegetarian, and I want to be a vetrenarian, and I think we are horrible to the planet and it's inhabitants. We don't have the right to kill animals for any reason, except if we use all of the body for food or shelter. We have disrupted the natural order, so if something is overpopulating because of us, then we should have to pay the consequence. We should not kill other animals for that, because all the brain does is make us an animal, while telling us what we do is okay.