If there were a war with two unpopular countries who would you choose! Choose a winner if you please (debates are welcome at the coices of the countries and outcomes of the countries).
A little note: Popular countries: Canada, Britian, France ect... Do not add them in this post since their POPULAR.
Unpopular countries: U.S.A, Russia, Iran,
Places that aren't countries: Alaska, Artic Circle, North Pole, South Pole, Africa, South Africa, and North Africa. (You wouldn't believe how many people think those are countries).
If there was a war between Russia & China.. Hmm. Well, nukes aside, and despite the dispariging distance between them in terms of population, I'd be cheering for the Russians.
Places that aren't countries: Alaska, Artic Circle, North Pole, South Pole, Africa, South Africa, and North Africa. (You wouldn't believe how many people think those are countries).
South Africa is a country, I had to say that. Also France=better than... What am I saying it's like comparing potatoes with bananas, so I can't choose.
Yeah guys, the point of the judgement on the country isn't what country is better - it's that those countries have a certain.. stigma of negativity associated with them, for example - Travelling abroad as an U.S.A. citizen isn't as easy as travelling abroad as a Canadian. The U.S.A. might be *better* then Canada, but it's also far more unpopular across the globe.
The U.S.A. might be *better* then Canada, but it's also far more unpopular across the globe.
Agreed, it must be nice to have a Swiss passport. I doubt you'd get much hassle from anyone.
For the sake of the thread though, can you make a longer list of 'unpopular' countries. From the current list, I'm really not sure what the criteria are. If the US is deemed unpopular, then the UK almost certainly is too.
My logic behind this is Iraq is in a civil war. Also they have barely any military.
Psst, I think you mean Iran, Iraq is in a war, the iranese government is fighting off protestors, cause the Iranese government sucks and the protesters are awesome. At the moment neither of them have time to stage a War.
USA vs. Russia
Outcome: Russia. Russia has defeated the Germans, twice, they have over 10,000 nuclear weapons, many more soldiers, there soldiers are more hardened too. The USA has 14,000 Nuclear Weapons, but I still say were no match for Russia.
greed, it must be nice to have a Swiss passport. I doubt you'd get much hassle from anyone.
you do not believe how much of it you get. only because they say they are neutral, does not make them more or less popular. and the swiss people are having their problems about being popular as any other country
Agreed, it must be nice to have a Swiss passport. I doubt you'd get much hassle from anyone.
A fight between the french and the Swiss would be boring lol. One would choose not too fight and the other would surrender regardless.
I like that trick on google with the "french military victoires thing" (gives you this page) It states:
"war on Terror - France, keeping in mind its recent [military] history, surrenders to Germans and Muslims just to be safe. Attempts to surrender to Vietnamese ambassador fail after he takes refuge in a McDonald's."
always makes me laugh though it is very inaccurate and the whole French being surrender monkeys is abit harsh (true though >.>
I would say Argentina vs. Germany.
One has produced Maradona and killed may in the Falklands wars while the other produced and assortment of "-wursts" and lost too us in a couple of World Wars.
Out come:
Argentina have cut military expeniture by half since the early 80's and have 70,000 personel. Germany has upwards of 250,000 personel and spend about $42105000000 a year on the "Bundeswehr". Plus Germany has superior technology (assuming you can call the eurofighter that). My prediction Germany wins... and France surrenders anyway. lol
Ok to clear something up in one of my posts I said if I could I would get rid of South Africa from the list also the reason I put such a short list of unpopular countries is because people dont often put them in their posts. I was just reminding everyone that U.S.A, Russia ARE UNPOPULAR.
I was just reminding everyone that U.S.A, Russia ARE UNPOPULAR.
why do people have to take the countries you think are unpopular. maybe other people think of the countries you count as popular that they are unpopular