But just because they pay money to a church doesn't mean that's a religion. I could build a building, name it the Green Church, force people to pay me money to keep it running, but it still wouldn't be a religion.
Nazis is not a religion, it's more of a derange cult. If it was a religion it would be following a mythical person, like the Greeks or Christians. They're wanting what Hitler wanted, and they're not getting very fr in anything. But I still say there more of a cult.
You mistaken nazis for neo-nazis. Neo-nazis follow what Hitler said, just pure evil stuff. But Nazis changed after Hitler went, they returned to their old ways like the way they where before the whole Hitler thing happened. If I have to explain that, then why are you even on this thread?!
...other than Aryans of course, if you think about it we can't exactly call them that because they existed before the Nazis ever existed and they'll exist after the Nazis have long since faded from memory. Hitler searched for the legendary city of Shangri-La where he believed the Aryans resided, however he was not the first to search for the city and its residents nor will he be the last.
..other than Aryans of course, if you think about it we can't exactly call them that because they existed before the Nazis ever existed and they'll exist after the Nazis have long since faded from memory. Hitler searched for the legendary city of Shangri-La where he believed the Aryans resided, however he was not the first to search for the city and its residents nor will he be the last.
where did you find this theory?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan#20th_century thats what aryans are and how the nazis used this term
Who defines evil? Who defines what a religion can be so long as worship is involved? The romans would argue that Jesus was some sort of king, not a part of a religion. His followers would think otherwise naturally.
I watched this show on History channel about this white supremacy group. They seriously believed in Norse mythology and obvious incorporated neo-nazi into their belief. They thought if they died while battling non-whites/cops that they would go to Valhalla to dine with Odin. That's the closest thing to a nazi religion.
I watched this show on History channel about this white supremacy group. They seriously believed in Norse mythology and obvious incorporated neo-nazi into their belief. They thought if they died while battling non-whites/cops that they would go to Valhalla to dine with Odin. That's the closest thing to a nazi religion.