Okay Ive been learnin alot about AS3 but i dont understand how AddChild() can even be anything.Its not a variable and I think its a class but when I look theres no class for it, is it a function? Thanks
addChild() is a function of the DisplayObjectContainer class http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AS3LCR/Flash_10.0/flash/display/DisplayObjectContainer.html#addChild()
It's worth noting that Stage, Sprite, and MovieClip (among other classes) are all direct or indirect subclasses of DisplayObjectContainer. So if you've got an object of one of those types, you can call addChild on it.
You can look it up in the docs if you aren't sure about it's parameters. In Flash, go to Help>Flash Help, or press F1. Then search addChild(). When you find it, YOu'll see that it says:
public override function addChild(childisplayObject)isplayObject
the part that says childisplayObject tells you that it takes one parameter of a DisplayObject (or one of its subclasses).