You're taking statics on a large scale level, then applying them to things that either take time to catch up with those statistics, or don't really apply
the facts say that most people are obesie yet there telling girls to stop triying so hard to be pretty
Right, because they're going anorexic to try and avoid being obese, a possibility that doesn't even exist for most of them seeing how many girls are worried about even slight increases in weight.
they say green house gases are at a all time high but so are "clean" fuels are also
...... We have more clean fuels being produced because we realized just how bad green house gases are, and are now taking steps to lower them. Yeah, we have more clean fuels than ever, but we had practically none before.
they say the world is over populated yet there are thousands and thousands of acers of land in places like texas tennesse and collorodo
In terms of resources, its incredibly overpopulated. Plus, using examples only in America isn't going to fly. Look at China, with 1.3B in an area smaller than America. Almost 4.5 times as many people in a smaller area is going to take up those few thousand acres pretty quickly.
the goverment magizenes tv shows news papers and just people constantley contredict themselfs
MmmK......seeing how you didn't provide examples, I can't really shoot holes in this one
why cant anyone get the facts strate (yes i know i spelt that increcetly)(and that) i mean how are we soppsed to get the facts
Actually, seeing how you're one of the people misapplying those facts....
the facts say that most people are obesie yet there telling girls to stop triying so hard to be pretty
Moderation is key.
they say green house gases are at a all time high but so are "clean" fuels are also
Clean fuels doesn't mean it cuts down greenhouse gasses. I think Mike 412 covered it.
they say the world is over populated yet there are thousands and thousands of acers of land in places like texas tennesse and collorodo
Overpopulation does not refer to land space. It's referring to food and water quantity. I don't doubt that we will see "water wars" in a few years. In fact, Uzbekistan is threatening Turkmenistan over use of one of it's rivers.
Well, seeing as its human nature, we tend to over look the bads rather than the goods. We focus on what we feel needs to be fixed rather than perfecting the solution. In essence, we constantly make things harder for ourselves. We say peace, and George W. Bush sends us to war with Iraq. I think that's the contradiction your talking about.
they say green house gases are at a all time high but so are "clean" fuels are also
Let's look at something. "Clean" fuels are being increasingly used yet greenhouse gases come from many sources. There are also still many using fossil fuels as fuel. So the concentration greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is still increasing. Clean fuels don't remove already present greenhouses gases, they just prevent the release of them.
they say the world is over populated yet there are thousands and thousands of acers of land in places like texas tennesse and collorodo
The US is hardly overpopulated. How can poor people in an African country, conveniently move to the United States. Like Kirby said, who would want to live in a desert! Also, the main problem with overpopulation is the drainage of resources, not the lack of land (as thelistman said).
the goverment magizenes tv shows news papers and just people constantley contredict themselfs
I have nothing to say about that.
why cant anyone get the facts strate (yes i know i spelt that increcetly)(and that) i mean how are we soppsed to get the facts
According to what you said in the OP, you can't even get your own facts straight.