ForumsWEPRThe Idea of Gods

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Many different religions believe in many different gods, which I find to be a loop hole in things like Christianity. A Christian says that there is only God, but a person from Japan says that there are many gods. Who is right?

I'm not necessarily asking for you to answer the question, but how could there be only one God and many gods all at the same time? Is religion a paradox?

  • 38 Replies
379 posts

well im muslim and belive in 1 god but every religon hjas their own belifs so only way we can fugure it uot is if we ask god uor sevels which we cant do on earth

13,657 posts

One person has one set of morals. Why would one god have different sets of morals.

I know people who have different sets of morals for different people. Prejudgement, racism... Those things does that to people. And even though they might not see it themselves, it is there.

But they can't all be true, people can believe in them, but that doesn't make them true. It isn't possible for them all to be true. Judaism can be true while Christianity is also true. Jesus can't be the messiah and not be the messiah at the same time.

Well, if you think so, it is up to you.
Theories can be both true and untrue. If they have not been tested, or they cannot be tested, well, then they are both.
If you see an UFO, you believe it is true, but it might not be, on the other hand, it might.
There is always a certain insecurity in life, the only fact is that we live, and then we die, everything else is theories.

Really, to me it does not matter. Just like everything else, you choose your own way of living life, and choosing what is true to you.
I seriously doubt anyone will ever prove if there is one God, or there are many, of if there is one in the first place; and it is up to you, if you care to be bothered by this, keep on being hardcore in your believes that you are right, or simply... Live.
I just find it easier to be openminded. If it turns out I was wrong on which God to believe in, well, that is too bad for me, but I will be happy for the ones who did believe what they thought was right, and that will be it.
1,051 posts

I know people who have different sets of morals for different people. Prejudgement, racism... Those things does that to people. And even though they might not see it themselves, it is there.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. People can't find something to be moral and immoral at the same time. If there was only one god, portrayed differently through different religions, why would there be separate sets of morals among different religions.

Well, if you think so, it is up to you.
Theories can be both true and untrue. If they have not been tested, or they cannot be tested, well, then they are both.

Then they would be undetermined, but once tested they would be found either true or false.

All I'm trying to say is, not all religions can be true at one time. The bible can not be 100% correct while the koran is 100% correct. They contradict each other and it is just impossible.
13,657 posts

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. People can't find something to be moral and immoral at the same time. If there was only one god, portrayed differently through different religions, why would there be separate sets of morals among different religions.

Person makes gay joke. Does not want to have this done to himself, but does it to others, even to those he told, he do not want to experience it himself, to.
Store manager lets a white guy get credit, but not a black guy.
So how can a God not have different morals for different people too?
Also: Who knows it is actually what that God wants? What if it cannot show the signs of approval due to... What do I know, cosmic rules.
I figure, there can be Gods for every religion, but some are being more selfish than others.

Then they would be undetermined, but once tested they would be found either true or false.

Undetermined forever then. They will both be right and wrong.

All I'm trying to say is, not all religions can be true at one time. The bible can not be 100% correct while the Koran is 100% correct. They contradict each other and it is just impossible.

I never liked the Bible. It is not as the Koran.
Anyway, what if the places where they contradict, they are both wrong? That Abraham's second wife was neither wife nor slave, but none existing, and his first wife gave birth to the son who should become the founder of Islam?
There is so much we do not know, and because we do not know it, and might never find out, there is no way to determine the truth, or the lack of it.

The human mind is rather... selective. Not only that, it often is able to make things true, at least to that person.
Which is why I still think each religion is true to the believer.
This might not be a logic reason, but as long as you cannot definitely determine who is right, I think as I do. Probably will continue to do so, even if you find out the truth of truths.
This also makes me able to be friends with atheists and agnostics. A single Muslim too, I think, though I only talked to her once.

As for this discussion, well, I admire your logic.
368 posts

Religion is created by humans. People write things like the bible and therefore choose who they worship.

Seeing as when religion was developing, places like Japan and Europe had little or no contact, it is logical that they would develop different ideas of what a god or gods is.

Seeing as humans rarely get along, why should they all come together to make a universal religion?
And as a result of all this, religion becomes grounds for war.

1,051 posts

Person makes gay joke. Does not want to have this done to himself, but does it to others, even to those he told, he do not want to experience it himself, to.
Store manager lets a white guy get credit, but not a black guy.
So how can a God not have different morals for different people too?

I really don't know what you are trying to say. Giving a white guy a credit card but not a black guy is being racist. If you make fun of other people, but don't like it in return, then you're being hypocritical. You can find those things immoral or moral I suppose, but it really doesn't have much to do with morals besides that. What I'm saying is, if all gods are the same god portrayed different ways, then why would one religion allow something, that another religion would not.

Undetermined forever then. They will both be right and wrong.

No, it would just be undetermined. Nobody knows if creationism or the big-bang is true. They are not both right and wrong.

Which is why I still think each religion is true to the believer.

True to the believer, but not true in general. Somebody could believe the world is flat. That does not make it true, just true to the person who thinks it to be.

I admire your logic.

As I do yours.
13,657 posts

What I'm saying is, if all gods are the same god portrayed different ways, then why would one religion allow something, that another religion would not.

I know, I read it the first time, I am just not very good at giving a satisfying answer it seems.
Because humans made up the rules, then.

No, it would just be undetermined. Nobody knows if creationism or the big-bang is true. They are not both right and wrong.

Undetermined means there is no answer to whether it is right or wrong, right? We are talking the about the same?

True to the believer, but not true in general. Somebody could believe the world is flat. That does not make it true, just true to the person who thinks it to be.

Nothing is true in general. Science is made up by theories that only can be proven to a certain point.
Sure, the globe of earth we live on is not flat "in general" (more looking like a pumpkin, if I remember correctly), but it is flat too. The world can be flat to some, even though they know the globe is not, btw.
What I (think) I am trying to express is... In general life is boring.
What we see is what we believe; the motto of many people.
The few that does not believe what they are told to believe, but also believe in what they feel is right... They are "in general" feeling more whole.

I will quite randomly conclude I am getting rather tired, and I might not make much sense.

As it is, there are no prof of there being God(s), or not. There seem to be no God(s) that care to explain all this to us, either because they rather want to watch, or because they do not care. Or they are not there.
But the concept of God(s), the pure feeling of something watching over us is enough for many people to feel safe, and to be able to overcome more than they would have, if they did not believe in something. Therefor, it is true to them. What they believe in gets real because they believe.
Some find comfort in this belief, other find someone to blame, some find peace in the belief that they will live forever in Heaven, or finally be released from the earthly prison, or simply know there is no after death other than.. death.

Everyone has their own believes, even if they share a religion, people are not agreeing with each other always. That is the human nature. Just like being curious, being suspicious, wanting to be safe, is. As long as it works, there is not reason to doubt it, is there?
As long as the TV is functioning, there is no reason to take it apart, learn about it and try to fix it. That always comes after...

Now that was a bunch of crap.
6 posts

I think the idea of god and heaven was made up just so that humans wouldnt have to think about dying and never being able to feel anything again.

1,310 posts

Monotheistic religions are more accurate or true then polytheistic religions for the singular reason that they are getting closer and closer to the real answer...

1,051 posts

I am just not very good at giving a satisfying answer it seems.

I just didn't understand where you were going with the racist man giving out credit cards and what not. Sorry.

Undetermined means there is no answer to whether it is right or wrong, right?

Correct. So something undetermined can not be both.

And I agree with everything else you said. Nice debating with you.
5,061 posts

When you get to the core you'll notice that in all religions have on good, that one god may have thousands of incarnations that he/she has created to manage different aspects of human life. Such as gods for the sun and the moon, the earth and the on so forth.

13,657 posts

I just didn't understand where you were going with the racist man giving out credit cards and what not. Sorry.

Okay, uhm... Here in Denmark there have been a case with the Bank not giving out the credit they should (and would have in any other situation) because the man was not Danish citizen.
This man had a fine economy, he really did better than most would have, and the only time he went to get this credit, was once a year, so he could visit his parents.
Now, for a lot of years, he was able to, but this year, the bank refused because of "bad economy", which was a lie, as you can read.
Well, if it had been a Danish citizen, something like that would not have happened.
The bank says that this is how it is: If you got a good economy, you are allowed to get your credit.
But this was not the case for the man.

I know it might be a bit far fetched, but as it seems, people have different morals/personal laws/principles for different people. It might be because of racism or prejudgement, but they still do something they usually says they would not, or do not do what they said they would.

So, why should a God not be able to say "You can eat pork, you can not", when humans say "you can have credit, you can not"?

Then again, somehow I guess God(s) would not care how we do it, as long as we believe... But what do I know.

Correct. So something undetermined can not be both.

That is like saying "I don't know" when you are asked if you want some popcorn... And saying that usually do not get you any.
Technically, it is still a paradox between yes and no/truth or lie. Just like that cat in the box (cannot remember the name of it). It is both.

Ah well, humans lie all the time anyway, I bet we are all wrong. However that will be.

When you get to the core you'll notice that in all religions have on good, that one god may have thousands of incarnations that he/she has created to manage different aspects of human life. Such as gods for the sun and the moon, the earth and the on so forth.

Nope, not correct.
Asa belief: There is this bunch of Gods, some (most) are in family with each other, but they are not aspects of their father or mother, rather actual different persons.
Thor, Odin, Frey... They are not aspects or incarnations, they are son/brother, father and newcomer.
950 posts

Thor will punish you for saying such things, Cenere.

13,657 posts

Thor will punish you for saying such things, Cenere.

He probably will. The Norse Gods are rather neglected, sadly.
Though I actually just defended them.
Quite sad they are neglected like that, if the Danes were still Asa, we would rule the world, I am sure.
950 posts

I wouldn't mind going to Valhalla, wouldn't you?

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