ForumsWEPRCurfew laws - Pointless or necessary?

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My friend and I went to a movie earlier today at 7:30, and since it was rather long we didn't get out until about 10. We got out of the movie and started walking home, when my grandma pulls up in her car at about 10:45, freaking out that we're going to break curfew and acting like we're getting into a ton of trouble. She herself said however that it would be fine if we walked home, so obviously she was fine with it otherwise. That made me start thinking, how fair are curfew laws? Us two guys would be the last to get in any trouble, I mean we were just walking home. Yet if we walk too slow we'll get fined and arrested, just for being outside.

How do you feel about curfew laws? Are they necessary to keep teens in line or do you believe that they're unjust?

Personally I believe that laws on a lot of things, including curfew, are pointless. The people who need them won't follow them, and the people who will follow them don't need them. My friend and I didn't even think about it because #1 we don't really hang out outside after dark much anyway and #2 we're not doing anything illegal. Why should we have to worry about breaking laws when we're doing nothing wrong?

If anything, curfew should be decided by a parent or guardian. They know the kids and teens, so they will know if they can be trusted or not. I am offended that I would receive the same punishment as someone who is out terrorizing neighbors.

  • 34 Replies
3,880 posts


1,312 posts

There should be armed officers patroling certain criminal areas after 11:00 at night.

309 posts

I don't mean some random kid we think is a criminal, but one with an actual criminal record.

13,817 posts


Hahaha! Cummunist?

Why don't we just put curfews on areas that are notorious for having high crime rates late at night? Would that not make sense? I think we are over simplifying it if we say that the entire nation needs a curfew. Power to the responsable people!

That would make sense. Different people and different places need different curfew regulations.

If used properly, I believe curfew laws can be beneficial.
1,720 posts

Personally I believe that laws on a lot of things, including curfew, are pointless. The people who need them won't follow them, and the people who will follow them don't need them.

I agree with every word in those two sentences.
3,660 posts

I agree with every word in those two sentences.

As well do I, I think many laws are just pointless and stupid in my opinion.
410 posts

They aren't really that pointless. Just about a mile or two from my house one night some kids robbed and killed a cab driver with a gun. It isn't even a big city either. Plus there are a lot of shootings, and that is why we even have a curfew here.

When you guys said that people who normally break the laws disobey curfew, that's entirely true. According to that logic every kid out after curfew is prone to break the law anyway. In my eyes that gives the police a pretty valid reason to at least question kids out that late.
I think this one is pretty useful, because it keeps the kids that aren't doing anything wrong away from people that have a tendency to rob and shoot others.
And to the people that think that the government are trying to control us, yes they are to an extent. But if there is any major organization/s that are trying to control the youth, it's the media, and it works pretty well. You should be watching out for them more than Big Brother.

950 posts

They aren't really that pointless. Just about a mile or two from my house one night some kids robbed and killed a cab driver with a gun. It isn't even a big city either. Plus there are a lot of shootings, and that is why we even have a curfew here.
When you guys said that people who normally break the laws disobey curfew, that's entirely true. According to that logic every kid out after curfew is prone to break the law anyway. In my eyes that gives the police a pretty valid reason to at least question kids out that late.
I think this one is pretty useful, because it keeps the kids that aren't doing anything wrong away from people that have a tendency to rob and shoot others.
And to the people that think that the government are trying to control us, yes they are to an extent. But if there is any major organization/s that are trying to control the youth, it's the media, and it works pretty well. You should be watching out for them more than Big Brother.

But surely that isn't the case everywhere. My little town doesn't need a curfew! There is not a peep here after 8:00 at night. Certian down town areas are the places that should have curews, since they are always the places that see so much crime.
653 posts

Curfew laws aren't pointless but they're definitely not necessary. They're pretty much unconstitutional so its kinda stupid to have them but I don't really care because curfews are mostly for minors and i haven't been a minor for years.

755 posts

There is not a peep here after 8:00 at night.

sp you can easily have a curfew and simply not care, because everyone is home early.

you cannot start and apply laws or rules, differently according to the city you live. that is simply unfair
950 posts

sp you can easily have a curfew and simply not care, because everyone is home early.

Why should that mean I can't go outside? What if I had to walk home late? If it's already quiet then there is no need for such laws.

you cannot start and apply laws or rules, differently according to the city you live. that is simply unfair

You didn't even read what I wrote, just that first sentence! Please read the whole thing.
4,206 posts

wow never heard of Curfew laws before...sound dumb through. Probebly people being scared something is going to happen, even if its no big deal, so they make dose laws...i think...

950 posts

wow never heard of Curfew laws before...sound dumb through. Probebly people being scared something is going to happen, even if its no big deal, so they make dose laws...i think...

Not all are "dumb", my friend. I personally think they are needed in places with high crime rates.
8,570 posts

I think that curfew laws are a good some cities. Because it's not just because they suppose the only people out there at that time are crooks, that's crap, but for safety. If a kidnapper/mugger/murder/etc. sees a kid out that late by themselves, they're more likely to get them. You see what I am saying?

Although in other cases, I just think that police do that to get some extra money and fill their quota. It's just dumb for people who weren't doing anything, and could handle themselves.

So I don't really have a strong opinion, maybe the parent should choose. But I kinda lean towards not curfews, since how many people are kidnappers/murderers/muggers anyway??? And the fining bit is stupid.

1,101 posts

but wat kid is out by himself at 12 at night? like honestly, maybe for a walk home from somewhere, but the only reason u'd be walking home at that time is if u were baked or drunk... Normally, i stay out till like 2 am if im drunk then my parents come pick me up cuz they know i wont find my way home. But during this time Im usually outside chillin in someones back yard, or playing quarters inside... The curfew law is only there to give police the easier way to make their quota. Im glad my city doesn't have it, cuz i'd be breakin it every night during the summer and every friday/saturday.... this law was meant to be broken... Kidnappings, robberies, murders... they happen more often in the daytime... Just people don't realize it. The news only covers certain stories, to scare people but not scare them to much... If someone was to break in to ur house right now in broad daylight, they could kill a whole family before anyone would know. In fact it is easier to kill in the day because there is more noise happening all around, and everyone around isn't in bed making little noise. So for that sake, its mostly just to stop gang violence, and introducing gangs into the area. That is wat curfew laws are mostly there to maintain.

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