This is the question I always ask when I first meet someone. (well I don't ask that first!! ) tell me your opinion, and maybe why is this your opinion...that's it. ooh and I want to hear other people opinions so don't answer if you are from GR or Fyrom... thanks forehand...
Was Greek, the ancient Macedonian also. The majority of the real Macedonian territory is in Greece, all the big centers are in Greece. Macedonia started from the Greek region and then expanded becoming a huge realm, which had parts f Bulgaria, Albania and Fyrom + the northern Greece.
Correct but there is no Macedonian race. It's like saying Pericles was only Athenian, he was but he was first of all Greek. The ancient Macedonian proved themselves that they were Greek, when the Athenians and other southern Greeks called them barbars (aka not Greeks) the Macedonian king showed evidence that proved that their ancestor were Greeks and so that all Macedonians are Greeks.
They were not culturally advanced as the other Greeks, but as they proved they were Greeks.
[quote]It's like confusing China with Japan,something my grandpa does all the time.
Meh they look the same.
Epic Lulz
Correct but there is no Macedonian race. It's like saying Pericles was only Athenian, he was but he was first of all Greek. The ancient Macedonian proved themselves that they were Greek, when the Athenians and other southern Greeks called them barbars (aka not Greeks) the Macedonian king showed evidence that proved that their ancestor were Greeks and so that all Macedonians are Greeks.
They were not culturally advanced as the other Greeks, but as they proved they were Greeks.
About FYROM I think that if somebody wants to be called whatever, he has the right to be called whatever. The only thing I don't like is that similar situations were dealt differently, when Great Britain tried to enter in the European Union with the Great Britain France did not allow them to cause Brittany is a French region. Conclusion I think that they should be called Northern Macedonia or something like that.
Conclusion I think that they should be called Northern Macedonia or something like that.
dumb dumb in 2013 Greece, Bulgaria and Albania have to return the land, who's stupid enough to change their country name to Northern.
If you didn't know there's a 100 year contract since 1913 when Macedonia was completely split, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Albania signed it so after 100 years they have to return the land.
If you didn't know there's a 100 year contract since 1913 when Macedonia was completely split, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Albania signed it so after 100 years they have to return the land.
We need to establish what is meant by the term 'Macedonia'? There is a region of Greece called Macedonia, and there is a separate country bordering Greece called Macedonia. In my opinion, the former should remain Greek, as it has been for hundreds of years.
As for the latter, probably not. It has developed quite separately over the centuries to gain its own language, culture etc. Despite being similar in these aspects, it is different enough to warrant autonomy.
Also, as to the debate surrounding Alexander the Great, it is as much a fallacy to call him Macedonian, as it is to call him Greek. There was a very limited concept of nations during the times he lived in. Only city states and empires (often made up of conglomerates of the former.)