First you need to take some strength items. A little something : you can hit over 10 000 dmg with a Biological. Personnaly my level 26 have 516 of strenght ,that show you how you need strenght. Return to our sheep ,take 4 ability points and place it in the passive combat effect slot name Integrity (restore 25 focus every turn). After, 4 ability points in Animalism ( increst strenght and instinct). Next, 3 points in Enrage (80% dmg done and taken). After, 4 points in Savagery (12% physical percing). Next, 1 points in Predator Form (10% dmg). After, 3 points in Evolution (6% strenght and others). Now, how to set this into practice during combat. First click on you and press on Predator Form. The turn pass Second click on you and press on Animalism. The turn pass Thirdly click on you and press on Enrage, now you are boost. The boring turn pass You can enjoy this moment. Finally !!! click on a enemies you want kick his ass and press Destroy (It is already included on you ability panel). If you want to know what is the gear going with that told me
ps: For Baron Brixius you need to change a little something
Also. . .simple: Torment or whatever it's called (the psycho stun ability) + shock therapy + shock therapy + stun move again + shock therapy + electrical storm. You = dead before you could make a single move.
the best build is a diamond speed bio... the second best build is a speed bio... the third best is a speed phyco... the fourth best is a thunder shock phyco...