Do you ever read doing your school breaks? I only read on breaks if im reading a really really good book. Other than that I just read at school
Nope well not books anyway, summer is a time for people to go on vacation and slack off for a couple of months.
i sometimes get summer reading but i didn't get anyting tis year. but i like to read so i read books wen its rainy and te internet is down.
I read during summer, but only good books. I'm reading "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy, and it's really addicting to keep on reading *_*.
I used to read a lot, but not as much anymore. I only read books that catch my interest. And I usually read my summer reading book the first week of school
I read during the summer like only 3 times a week I guess. If I don't have a new book that is good then I just restart my other books.
books?????ofcource not, you gotta be kiddin
I have to read 2 books for school. It's so stupid...
Sometimes...but only if i really want to and its a good book...which is a rare occurance.
i love reading and i know it sounds weird but i read myself to sleep
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