Last month Obama planned to spend 3.4 million dollars on creating a 13 foot tunnel for turtles to cross a road in florida. They're defending this because it protects motorists from flying turtles. Thoughts?
My question is why do you think they'll even use it? If you see a black hole that's probably full of snakes, spiders, etc. would you go near it or stay in the sun?
3.4 million dollars <.< Couldn't they just build a bridge? It seems like that would be less expensive, and like you said, why would the turtles want to go in a dark hole anyway?
Also, I'm thinking in the end they won't use it LOL.
That's why I suggest a bridge. In Germany they have them for deer and other animals so that they don't get out in the middle of the road and the deer have learned to use it. Also, the turtles would like that much better so that they could stay in the sun. Maybe have some trees for shade as well.
Well, I like to think of it that jobs are being created through this. Many people complain about construction projects being too expensive. But what they don't realize is that most of that money is going back to construction workers who can then use that money to buy things and stimulate the economy.
But what they don't realize is that most of that money is going back to construction workers who can then use that money to buy things and stimulate the economy.
Not to mention that even something as simple as a tunnel requires a decent amount of planning and forethought to make it work.
I'd imagine that paying the construction workers is a huge part of it though, considering that they make such high wages because of some of the hazards of the job.