Actually, I heard some Constitutional law professor guy say that he wouldn't be kicked out of office now, even if he was born in Kenya - because the people voting him into office means that he was their choice, which overrules the birth law.
Thank you Alt. Believable, but still a little untrustworthy. It's the government after all.
Now my actual opinion. I believe that he was born in Hawaii, but in the back of my mind there is always the possibility that he wasn't born here. Just a thought.
I believe that he was born in Hawaii, but in the back of my mind there is always the possibility that he wasn't born here.
can you think of one realistic reason, why his parents should lie all his life about his birthday, and even care to make a fake newspaper note about his birthplace?
yes there is none. unless there is a big conspiracy that has planned to make obama president
yes there is none. unless there is a big conspiracy that has planned to make obama president
You do realise that he made his birth certificate top secret only after he became president? He was almost completely unknown before he became president so no one cared. And seriously, why else would he make his birth certificate top secret? Answer that.
Actually, I heard some Constitutional law professor guy say that he wouldn't be kicked out of office now, even if he was born in Kenya - because the people voting him into office means that he was their choice, which overrules the birth law.
Really? I heard that if he wasn't born here than technically he isn't president and everything he's done in office will be overturned. Of course the money he spent won't be refunded but things like Guantanamo Bay being closed would be undone.
But I'm pretty sure he was born here so it won't matter.
well his birth certificate has been published in august 2008, so it has been before his election. and the same discussion was also held before the election and had been proven wrong.
race an religion have NOTHING to do with who should be president and who shouldn't
Agreed, however in this case I agree with the rules of the president having to be an American born citizen. I just feel like I'd be better represented by a natural American than someone from Britain or something. They would be used to laws from where they came from and would try to make the U.S. more like their country. Not always a bad thing, but I'd rather the U.S. change for the better on its own.