On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
-100000000000000000000000/10 now everybody pray to me
-199999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10 for immaturity XD
1/0*runs over and hugs past 6 posters*
1/0 *runs over and hugs past 6 posters*
Angry people need lurve too. :<
i no be angry graham just being trivial. 8/10
hmmmmmmm 4.5?the reson no one sees me is because im only on the form games
7/10 i dont really know you so your good in my book
3/10Dont know you that much.
Plus, you are one of the few Australian users.
Knight sapms all day, is stupid, can't spell, has bad grammar, and is such a jerk. -10/100
Sakter has my repect.8.5/10 +0.5 for teh spelng
6/10 armatar cool
I don't know you. And you have just posted a spam post (you need > or = 7 words)! 5/10
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