On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
I have respect for you becasue I am bored too.
I don't know u. sorry. 5/10 i guess.
ugh, i got ninja'd
7/10.. dont know u much but i stil respect u =P
thank you. yeah i have seen u around before.. not much, but i havent seen u do much wrong matt
I see you abit in the art section and from what I have seen you don't spam etc. so yeah I respect you abit 8.314/10
i super respect you!!! 9.8
I don't know you to well, so 7/10
well neither do i lol 7.1/10
Wow...3 Times in a row they don't rate, they just comment...Anyways, Ill give u a 8.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10
i respect you a bit...good rank,posts. 8.6/10
Let's see... nice guy... unpunctuated nickname...Don't really know you well, though. Default 7/10
For having Manta in my RPG a long time ago =D !
OOh, my bad, i though i was on what was you known for. Anyways i give u a 8/10
for having one post away from 670 posts... all i can think of
OOh, my bad, i though i was on what was you known for.
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