On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
eehh i dono,iv never seen you before so neutral 5/10
I seen you a couple of times soo.. 6.2/10
iv also never seen you before but il give you a 6/10 for giving me 6.2/10
I see you around, you make decent posts some are random though. 7/10
I signed up a month before you, so no you haven't.
i wasn't talking about armorgames
I see you around a lot and you seem cool so. 9.2/10
I don't know you, but you seem like a somewhat nice person, so 6/10.
8/10 i see you around,your fairly active and your cool to chat with
6/10 havnt seen anything to spectacular but you havnt really diminished in my score
9/10 great user,does'int spam,highly active and has a cool armatar
at ghostofmatrix:
i have used this username everywhere
10/10 i have gained full respect for you even thought you have no respect for me
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