On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
DA man. 8/10
He created the Calvin and Hobbes Club!That deserves some extra points.And you've got a nice sense of humor.9/10
I love your name, +2 bonus points!I see you around... Never really quote your post, but your there posting away anyway.Original score: 5.5/10New Score: 7.5/10
I remeber seeing you around a while ago.7/10
Awesome armatar + I see you around every once and a while + iron prince!9/10
I have never seen you, I think. 5/10 neutral
10/10! A gold knight with a lizard picture, awesome d_dude! (This is how you do these right?)
(This is how you do these right?)
9.78/10no comment.
Seen you a bit, but not much. Your posts don't have much to them either. 4.8/10
I rarely see you, 600/1000
I see you mostly around the Tavern (where I usually am) and you're a pretty cool person.8500/10000
Ratings are out of 10, not 10,000. Your username is pretentious, so 4.5/10.
4/10 i havent seen anything from you up untill this point
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