On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
6/10You seem quite new around here and I think you mean well. You aren't mean to people but like to express yourself. Personality gets a 10, all else around a 4.
I have seen you a bit before so 6.5/10.The reason I have been inactive for a week was because I was in Minneapolis and I didn't have internet. =(
seen u quite a bit by now,intelligent posts,nice.8.737645634436234634634534 out of 10
My respect for you has plummeted since I saw the surf incident. I give thee 3.1415926535/10.
Your rating was pi, so my rating of you is 6/10.
You should have doubled pi. I guess that will be my rating for you 6.283185307179586/10
7/10, I've only seen you around a couple of times, I saw some of your posts, pretty good.
4/10 i dont really know anything youve posted so i cant judge
8/10 for owning a successful thread and being a signed muscian too :P.
I see you on occasion, some good posts.7.5/10
6/10 because you don't suck that much to earn a five
7/10 because while I have seen some of your posts you are still kinda unknown to me.
I have sen you more in the past than these says. But you seem to be a nice guy and you make good posts. 8,15
9/10. You seem like a nice person, you make good posts and you're very active on the forums . I also think your armatar is awesome!
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