On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
6/10 cause you never remember me. Congrats on a horrible memory! You deserved it!
none, i hate him. 0/10
10/10, that's me!
0/10, I have never seen him before, he double posts, and has too much self pride :P
0/10, we have mutual feelings.
1/10, for being a mean person and not understanding that newcomers (like yourself) don't always know how to do everything. You really need to chill out.
10/10 for saying that to conehead because he really was pretty mean.
7/10For being seen by me now and again, and having an alright quality in his posts.
9/10Cause you dont suck....you rock(I think)!
5/10 have seen you around recently but still mutual respect
I don't even know why I'm here, I know nothing of matial arts, 6.5/10. A ten to who ever gets it.
7/10 i dont have any particular issue with you
This guy is been around.8/10
I give you 8/10, for having an AWESOME armatar.
I give you a 7/10 for respecting someone for his armatar.
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