On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Don't know you too well, so I'll stay neutral for now.5.000000000000001/10
7/10you've got a lot of posts and that's pretty cool
5/10 for respecting someone for their post count
6.5/10I haven't really seen your posts (most likely due to my absence) but you seem to contribute positively.
8/10 Pretty nice username. I'm a sucker for those short ones. plus, awesome armatar, I have never seen that one with anyone but you.
This guy's pretty cool in my book.Why? For having good posts, of course! :P8.25/10
I'm a sucker for those short ones
8.5/10i've seen you post a lot and you seem pretty cool
5/10Haven't seen you before; neutral.
10/10 me and samy have good times
You're an awesome person. 10/10
4/10From what I've seen from you. Because of that, it's gone down 1 point from neutral.
8/10i have seen u around a lot. idk when i first saw u around but we sorta started leveling up around the same time
8.5/10You seem alright and you get around in the forums.
I see you quite a lot. 8/10.
I don't see you very often (obviously, considering you have 69 posts), but when I do see you, you seem alright.7/10
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