On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
eh.. 6.8/10lost a lil in global warming thread.
8/10. Graham has Matrix skillz like you wouldn't believe.
ost a lil in global warming thread.
8/10. And I'm tolerant of all religions.
6/10dont really know you but your comment about possum on the previous page shows you're a good person
bah sorry to double post but my rating was meant for valkyrie :L
7/10 Don't know you to much, but you've earned some of my respect.
7/10thankyou! also, don't kill your option game post; just kick out people who dont do it by the rulesi have put an answer :P
No-one rated me...T_T. 5/10.
aw dont feel lonely little possum... you rodent...6/10
I hate pickles, with their salty cucumber impersonation. Hmph....On the other hand I've seen youve been making a presence in the forums and I respect that.8/10 (the -2 is for being a pickle)
Because my foot hurts, 7/10.
7/10. Proved himself to be not an idiot. But that is all he is to so far.
8/10. You command respect.
Alt deserves better than an 8/10. He deserves a 10/10. One day, Alt will rule the world, I just know it Possum, I think you deserve a 7/10 from me now.
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