On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
6/10 im sorry both.
8/10Just dont go losing it now.
10/10Just dont go losing it now.
10/10 im updateing it so its evened out.
5/10 you just confuse me
10/10 I give everyone this until they lose my respect.
7/10Thats a bad thing CD, for that means you can't earn real respect, the highest you get is the same as an unknown person?
your cool 7/10
Hmm Healmeal is right my system was lame.You get a 7/10
5/10, don't see you quite often....
7.5/10I guess I can respect you, I know you much better than quite a few of these people.
5/10From what I see you're okay. I haven't seen much though.
Dammit, ninja.pH gets a solid 9/10.
10/10, 9/10 because of the ninja, I always refresh before every post.
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