On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
uhhh, 3 months ago?
That was when I was inactive...anywat same thing
8/10Smart kid/person who's age I've never checked.
9/10I'm going to be 13 in 5 days!!!
8/10 I dont know you but you look active. I just started on Armor today so dont hate!
I don't hate. You look good in the forum games section so It"ll be a 5/10.
Haven't seen you much since I just recently came back, but what I have seen, you look like a good member. 7/10
You created and moderate a lot of good threads. Also the post count and the rank is pretty impresive. 8.5/10
6.6/10. Just a bit more than last time.
5.01/10 you don't like meh =/
4.9/10. It's not that I don't like you, I just expect more. =)
9/10Disappearing cost you .8 points.
8/10 for old samy because of his posts.
8.3/10.You still haven't reached a 1000 posts.... jees tomer... Maybe you DO have a life :P
7.6/10hmm still haven;t really encountered you yet but you seem like a regular here =D
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