ForumsGame WalkthroughsLast Stand 2: How to Survive a Zombie Invasion

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67 posts

OK, this is the first thing I actually did with my newly-created account. I've beaten Last Stand 2 plenty of times, and this is how I did it:

When in town, don't rush to get to the end, take your time and search all of the buildings, unless you're getting desperate (Last day almost reached, low barricade HP and not enough time to repair, etc.) then you move on. Survivors should be well equipped; with you having the best of the weapons. ALWAYS have a chainsaw handy, as if the enemy gets too close to your barricade you can mow them down and live to shoot another day or two. When repairing the barricade (which you MUST do every day) do the math. If you have 75/80 HP for your barricade and 5 pts are repaired each hour, do it once. Search the buildings with the gun icon first, then the ones with other icons (such as a church) then the ones with specific names. Houses are where I find most of my survivors. Don't worry about people dying while on search parties, it doesn't happen often. Try to get to the places with the highest population, because that means bigger city/more guns. YET there is a risk to this method, or madness should I say, as more population also means more zombies. If you don't want to go with my whole chainsaw tactic, at least have a high powered close ranged weapon on hand, two long range or two short ranged weapons are not right. Fat zombies have a lot of health, and look out for the zombies with body armor, should you encounter one, aim for the head (except for the soldiers who have helmets unless you're a good aim like me ) or the legs. Dogs and running zombies need to be taken out first.

And remember: Aim for the head.

  • 9 Replies
30 posts

When I play Last Stand 2, I am always serching for servivors. I would Give the strongest guns you are not using to the servivors. And DO NOT use all of your mines on one level. Wait until you have very little servivors. Befor a new day ALWAYS make sure your barricade is at 100 percent. For police, army, and SWAT shoot at the head or legs and you should be able to keep your sevivours alive. Shoot zombies with weapons first and you should be able to servive a zombie invasion.

67 posts

Yeah, I forgot that too, however I already went over the whole "aim for the legs" thing. Thanks.

42 posts

overall the game is pretty easy if you ask me :P

67 posts

Pretty much but this is for the people who think otherwise and need instruction

3 posts

Didn't know about the shooting for the legs part. Thanks for the tip!

2 posts

First what i do is check the buildings that more time to search so when your barricade needs health you will those hours.Always aim for the head, and reload your weapon wenever you can.When you come to the point where you leave the first town you can go to claysburge or whistlers grove.Personaly i like whistlers grove because theres a shotgun and my favrite; compound bow. Dont , use the shot gun give it to your teamates.The reason; you have to reload indivituly bullet by bullet but your teamates can reload all eight shots at once! Theres also claysburg where theres auto weapons like the uzi and UMP 45.Afterone of those citys you will come to aspen wood; a small town (i mean like 7 buildings)whith a few land mines a sawn off shotgun and my other favirote; the hunting rifle.Try and stay a bit because theres alot of supplies.Next is jones town.By now i have not used any traps but here I do. I basicly make a "NO MANS LAND" for zombies using landmines bear traps and gas cylinders.Here youl find an M4A1 carbine an AK-47 and hand grenades.If you have enough supplies beat the game, if you dont then dont worry just go to fort tran.Its what I do but just for fun. It has land mines a saw machine gun and RPG.If your to late at the end you still techniqly beat the game, you just didnt live.


1 posts

i have a fast gaming strategy, the escape path is:

whistlers -> aspen wood -> jonestown -> union city

first of all, this startegy can assure you search all of the house in that area. If you prefer auto-weapon instead of compound bow, claysburg is the other option. Never leave aspen wood without searching all of the buildings, this is the nice town with a lots of supply with 2 nice weapons: hunting rifle (one hit K.O the zombies if head shot) and sawn-off shotgun (for survival). In jones town, you will stay for only 2-3 days if you DO search all of the buildings before to get enough supplies. if you are lucky, you could search M4A1 and AK 47, which is powerful and give it to survivals. Hand-granete is explosive yet powerful, but the accuracy is a headache if can't get the way to throw it effectively.

I hope this could help those who want to have a happy ending in this game.


59 posts

[quote]overall the game is pretty easy if you ask me :P

yeah i agree

16,585 posts

good walkthrough sorta

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