I do not belive that god would put anyone down their cause no one deservese that. And if some one doesent belive in god they shouldent go to the Underworld cause I belive that no one should have that bad of a punishment. What do you think?
In Fallout 3 there is a hidden city of ghouls hidden somewhere in the down town D.C area. The city's name is "Underworld" and it's hidden in the museum of history!
I do not belive that god would put anyone down their cause no one deservese that. And if some one doesent belive in god they shouldent go to the Underworld cause I belive that no one should have that bad of a punishment.
I'm curious are you religious or an atheist because I think that information could change the way we debate this.
In Christianity, there is no underworld. There's Heaven and Hell. The Underworld is ruled over by Hades, the god of the dead. It's in greek mythology. Being sent there means you have died, not that you're being punished. There's the Elysian Plains, where the dead wander aimlessly forever(or something like that), the pit of Tartarus, where the Titan King was locked away(he ate some of his children(the greek gods), so the rest of his children cut him up and threw him down the pit. How delightful.), and some other places I'm not so familiar with. If you want to know more about the Underworld, look up some info on greek mythology.
If so, isn't it that the Devil sends people to Hell? Anyway, I'm not religious and I especially don't believe in Hell. If God is so powerful why would he let people be sent there?
Here's info on the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_underworld ]Greek Underworld/url]
If so, isn't it that the Devil sends people to Hell? Anyway, I'm not religious and I especially don't believe in Hell. If God is so powerful why would he let people be sent there?
Hmm, you first sentence is hard to answer I'd say that no God technically sends people to hell. However hell was created for Satan so without Satan there wouldn't be a hell. Yet in all reality humans condemn them selves to hell by not believing in Jesus.
If God is so powerful why would he let people be sent there?
Actually when you stand before God if you rejected Jesus than the pain will be greater than hell. Also God's perfect so he can't be around sin hence the reason he doesn't walk around Earth any more. For the record though hell probably isn't full of fire and little red guys with pitchforks. When Jesus described hell he was most likely talking about a valley full of burning trash the Jew's used. Which bring forth another debate as to whether hell and heaven are places that can be attained only on Earth, only after death, or in both.
Also God's perfect so he can't be around sin hence the reason he doesn't walk around Earth any more.
It doesn't make sense for him to not be able to be around sin. Especially because he's perfect. If someone is perfect shouldn't they be able to be around imperfection without it affecting them?
When Jesus described hell he was most likely talking about a valley full of burning trash the Jew's used.
Woah, this sounds a bit odd to me. Burning and Jews cannot be trusted in the same sentence. You're saying that they burn the trash the Jews throw out? Why Jews?
Which bring forth another debate as to whether hell and heaven are places that can be attained only on Earth, only after death, or in both.
Don't the things you do in life decide where you will go after death though? So it seems like once you die you don't have a choice as to where to go.
Woah, this sounds a bit odd to me. Burning and Jews cannot be trusted in the same sentence. You're saying that they burn the trash the Jews throw out? Why Jews?
Hail the Fuhrer!
But no I mean the Jew's just burnt there trash in a valley that was full of fire a noxious gas.
It doesn't make sense for him to not be able to be around sin. Especially because he's perfect. If someone is perfect shouldn't they be able to be around imperfection without it affecting them?
To be honest I'm not entirely sure but like I said Hell will feel better than standing in God's presence if you rejected him.
Don't the things you do in life decide where you will go after death though? So it seems like once you die you don't have a choice as to where to go.
Well yes at least I believe so but I could be wrong, when I said a heaven and hell on Earth I meant a life that was full of joy from God (heaven) and a world full of emptiness (hell.) Also there's to parts to hell the actually hell and then the lake of fire that will occur after judgement and the tribulation some people think you may be able to atone for your sins during the transition period.
Hmm...it all sounds a bit evil to me. I thought religion was supposed to be about peace and such? <.<
That's one of the things that sets the Abrahamic religions apart there isn't just a spiritual good but a spiritual evil as well, which creates spiritual warfare. But alright me either I'm off till someone else joins in.
In Fallout 3 there is a hidden city of ghouls hidden somewhere in the down town D.C area. The city's name is "Underworld" and it's hidden in the national museam of history!