This should go in The Tavern, for future reference.
It doesn't look bad though. Maybe a bit simple, but if they added some commonly used programs it might be worth it. At least for someone who just wants to get online.
I can't see getting one though. I'd probably just get a tablet PC. Costs more, but I think it would last longer. Like I said, the CrunchPad is just a bit simple right now.
This should go in The Tavern, for future reference.
It's a world event :P just kidding but alright thanks.
It doesn't look bad though. Maybe a bit simple, but if they added some commonly used programs it might be worth it. At least for someone who just wants to get online.
It's basically just an over sized iPod touch. But seeing as how it'l only be $300 I think I might pick one up, the possibility apple's making one makes me want to wait though.
To me that seems a bit expensive, since it seems like it can only go online. I think that $150 would be a better price right now, and then if they add some stuff and redesign it (make it smoother, add a black one) maybe $300. Depending on what they add.
To me that seems a bit expensive, since it seems like it can only go online. I think that $150 would be a better price right now, and then if they add some stuff and redesign it (make it smoother, add a black one) maybe $300. Depending on what they add.
Really? It's the price of an iPod touch and the Apple tablet is predicted to be $800 dolors it'l be awhile before good ones come down in price, also it'l be like owner some of history imagine the Ebay potential.
True, but the iPod can do a lot more. I guess it depends on what your needs are. I don't need anything just for the internet, but I enjoy it. So the iPod works for me. If you needed the internet on a normal sized screen but couldn't afford a tablet that would be a good choice.
True, but the iPod can do a lot more. I guess it depends on what your needs are. I don't need anything just for the internet, but I enjoy it. So the iPod works for me. If you needed the internet on a normal sized screen but couldn't afford a tablet that would be a good choice.
That's true I suppose it's more of a cheap touchscreen netbook.