Not really America, but tired of all the American topics? I just made this because I noticed a lot of people from other countries complaining about how all the threads in this section are American topics.
If you're one of them (and you can be American too) then let your voice be heard! lol
I'll start, I'm tired of all the American topics (sorta) I know if I was in a different country I probably would never use this section. Anyways how about the global topics like global warming, world wide recession, and food shortages?
I think this section of the community kind of emphasizes how Americans can only think of themselves a lot.
I agree .... I almost dont even want to come section and im american lol but it is getting kind of stupid 4 how many topics there are about all that :/
Well no one talk the incentive to make another thread! you are just being whiny sorry
How was I being whiny? I was just pointing out that it would be nice to know what else was happening for a change instead of being secluded to American issues all the time.
Make a UK topic and talk about the UK for all I care >.<
I would, but idk any UK topics because every topic I ever see in the news or on these threads is American.
Well, this thread would be irrelevent if you just took the time to make new threads is not really that bad that people on here are from America and want to talk about American topics.
Like I said, got any world threads then shoot and I'll post them. It wouldn't matter because it would get shunned from the American community. >.>
The point of this thread is yes, there isn't enough world topics but also that Americans in general can be selfish at times.... a lot of times. (myself included)
Why would we want to talk about things happening in Britain or Spain or elsewhere? I don't see people in those countries celebrating over stuff happening in America,so why should we talk about stuff happening outside our country. Leave other countries alone,and just talk about stuff happening where you live.
Why should they care? It's not like we're celebrating over the Iran election
That's right, why should we celebrate it? But we should atleast care a little because if someone from the taliban won the election, wouldn't it affect us?