Hopefully not on December 23rd 2012 like a lot of people think lol.
December 21, if we're going to be exact.
As for the 'end of electricity'... umm.. I don't think electricity is something that can.. 'end'. It's a part of the natural world and producing it to boot is pretty easy once we learned how.
I think he was using electricity to sort of symbolize humans. Not really the best someone could come up with (since electricity occurs naturally, all we did was learn how to use it) but you get the point.
i strongly doubt the sun would care. especially conisdering all the thermo-nuclear reactions going on on the sun.[/quote] Indeed... that would be pretty much like throwing a pebble at a huge rock. Nothing would happen
I don't think it's going to happen anytime in our lifetimes, definitely. In a few billion years, when the sun goes out. Nuking the sun would be like splashing a bucket of water onto the ocean. Gigantic nuclear reactions are going on in stars all the time: that's what makes them look the way they do. It won't do anything to the sun.
I definitely don't believe it will end in 2012. Just cuz it's the end of the Mayan calender doesn't mean its the end of the world. Okay, yippee, we survived a whole calender without managing to wipe ourselves out with nukes. The world's not gonna end...well, it will, but not on 2012. lol
Ok nuking the sun, a couple problems here, 1 was already pointed out, its to far away, 2, its way to friggen hot it would explode before it got close enough to do anything?? Though its already under going nuclear reactions as Donpiet pointed out, a nuclear bomb splits atoms, the sun is under going fusion, this could cause a problem, i dont know im not a nuclear physisist or anything, but still the bomb would blow long before it got close enough to cause any damage due to intense heat.