ForumsGame WalkthroughsNINJA Guide

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This isn't really a walkthrough on how to beat the whole game level by level, but some basic tips and some info on the enemies that I have gained from experience. If you have any questions that you feel did not get answered then ask.


*Combo moves are key to victories against enemies. There are six different combos, the last one being the most important. When you unlock them all you'll have much better control over the battle with all sorts of moves at your disposal. When you unlock swift kill, the last combo, use it on every fallen enemy, especially the harder ones. Use this in conjunction with the Running Attack and Lift and Kick combos.

*Bombs are powerful, so don't waste them. Save these for bosses and harder enemies that can take lots of damage.

*When a new weapon is available, be sure to buy it. The weapons get better with each hide out you reach, so always be sure to buy the latest updated weapon. Towards the end of the game, the weapons will stop taking stats from certain areas like speed, armor and strength and start adding them instead to all three of them.

*The best way to deal with an oncoming ninja star is to melee it back at the enemy who threw it. This will knock them over, deal damage, and keep you safe from harm.

*List of Combos*

Running Attack: This is great for knocking over enemies and also dodging incoming projectiles. Be sure to follow it up with swift kill to instantly eliminate any tough opponent.

Lift and Kick. This one is also good for knocking enemies over and dodging projectiles. I found myself using it a lot for both of those purposes, and also because it looks flashy.

Windmill: This one is cool, but not very powerful. It's good if you want to stun enemies though.

Grinder: A powerful and brutal attack, but leaves you vulnerable because of its slow execution. I found myself using this one more on accident than not on accident.

Backflip: Great for surprising and enemy behind you. It also knocks them over to. You can also use this to dodge incoming projectiles.

Swift Kill: I love this one. The game will be so much easier when you acquire it. Just knock an enemy over with a simple combo, then press A or S over their fallen body to finish them instantly. Great for tough enemies.


Basic Enemy: These guys suck, they have no combos, no ranged weapons, basic swords, and little health. Finish them quickly then collect the easy loot.

Basic Samurai: These guys have a few combos and more health, but their not to much harder then their basic counterpart.

Assassin: These guys are a little trickier, their faster, have more combos then the basic samurai, and can throw shurikens. Eliminate them first in a crowd of enemies.

Armored Samurai: These guys wear all red, have bombs, lots of combos, and lots of health. Their tough, but they can be defeated if you're good at dodging and have your swift kill combo at the ready.

Swamp Creatures: These guys are a little tough. They can slash, they have long tongues that stun you, and projectiles slime goo. Tackle these guys one at a time, and never battle one in front and one behind. Total disaster if you do.

Oni Caverns Monsters: These guys are fairly easy, except they have fire balls and swords. I'd suggest ignoring the Oni Caverns all together until you have really good weapons and a high level.


Tower Boss: These are basically basic enemies in towers with bombs. Sounds hard, but its not. Just slash at them at the right time and watch for the shadow of the bomb they just chucked at you. Move safely out of the way, let the bomb explode without harming you, attack again, rinse, repeat.

Slime Monster: This guy is easy. Watch out for the big swamp bubbles, strike at him when he comes out of the swamp as much as you can, then move out of the way when he starts to vibrate.

Cave Monster: This one is easy too. Slash at him a bunch when he roars, then move out of the way. Be careful of his trample attack and his kicking hind legs and you should defeat him in one try.

Samurai Boss: These guys look really intimidating. Huge, spikes all over him, and two giant swords. He's actually really easy. Just dodge him when he strikes and always try to be behind him when he does his combos. Should you be on the front side of him when he does his combos, your in for a huge loss of health.

Evil Samurai Master: Luckily, no minions as far as I know come to his aid. To tell the truth I still have yet to beat him. All I can say is make sure you have the best weapon, high stats, all combos unlocked, and a healthy supply of shurikens, bombs, and health potions. Your attacks do barely any damage to him, and he's fast.

If you have any other questions just ask.

  • 9 Replies
1,720 posts

Yeah no problem.

20,591 posts

Was this before version 2 was uploaded?

33 posts

one thing,do not do combos,just randomly press a and s.I beat the game by doing that.

6 posts

Just made an account to say armor games are awesome. And also relevent to this topic, I am somewhat of a master of this game right now and I have developed a few strategies.

Points - all to speed first! (then damage!)
Money - buy potions, bo staff, +2 speed sword, (and later the + all stats swords) skip the rest.
I don't really see a use for bombs or shurikens (yet).

The reason why speed is because of this exploit/combo I have discovered here: (skip to 1:13)
This is THE Most important technique in the game to master. You can also end it with a 'S' flip kick and then swift kill the juggled opponent(s) if some are coming up from behind you.

For the 2 sword wielding bosses (which I have dubbed Shredders for their resemblance to the TMNT character) they are easy to defeat.
First you will want to jump at them and hit 2-3 times with 'A', then flip kick behind them. The will begin an attack animation. Rinse and repeat for defeat. When they do the charge attack, just jump and slash chasing at them a few times and repeat the combo.

Bomb Towers:
Firstly, it is a good idea to walk around the enemies on foot to try and get the towers to bomb the enemies. It's pretty simple, you're just playing keep away and not attacking.

Secondly, there are sometimes bomb barrels near the towers. With the right positioning these barrels can be used to do 99-100 damage to the tower saving you some time and you will not get hit yourself.

And Lastly, the best and fastest way to defeat them is to get right in front of them to where you can still hit them but run passed them. Once you are in this position repeat the same combo used on the 'Shredders'. If done correctly the bomb(s) will land right where you were before you flipped.and you do it a couple of times to defeat the tower.

Slime Monster:
For this level it is somewhat like the bomb towers but a little more difficult. Basically what I do is run, run, run (to avoid the bubble farts) and jump and slash a few times and flip kick sort of behind him. So that when I land i'm inside/behind him. Then i continue to jump slash and flip kick (2 or 3 times) and upon the last flip kick it will dodge the spit or puke that he fires before submerging. Rinse and repeat.

Giant Bore/Elephant/Cave Monster:
For this baddy again we are going to jumping slash 2-3 times and end it with a flip kick. Hopefully you will land inside/behind him.
Once you are there start spamming A or S (doesn't really matter). Jumping flip kick when he moves or begins to attack to reset your position and avoid the oncoming attack.

I am just at the last boss right now and Haven't yet developed a strategy for him yet but I will get there.

Hope this helps, Good Luck !

6 posts

Also, Imo the hardest enemies to deal with in the game (besides the last boss) are the red samurais who throw bombs. There are a few sections where 2-5 of these guys are on screen at once and their bomb throwing is rather deadly and annoying. Especially when trying to setup the infinite combo.
Sometimes they won't let you up off the ground because they keep bombing you before you can move T_T.

6 posts
actually this kid has figured out a slow but sure way to kill him
there is probably a faster/better way though.

6 posts

I think using A,S,A combo then turning around upon landing and repeating over and over is faster and better. But it is hard and if you mess up at all (you have to do the combo like 100~ times) you will eat big damage.

6 posts

I've used like 200 gold trying to find and beat the last boss with optimal strategy and I think the best place to get gold is the 1st or 2nd level because the enmies are easier and there are a few chests on each level. 5 potions = 30g

6 posts

ha, so i finally beat him. Lucky for me, but actually if you time the battle right so that you can level up in the middle of it that can be part of the strategy (level ups gain you full life). Took me 4 potions and a level up, but I did it.

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