It's more like guilty until proven innocent. Why else would they destroy people trying to get them to confess?
I agree. I saw the one vid, the cops took this guy into a room and siad "why did you do it" and the guy is like "WTF?" they kept him there for 12 hours until the guy lied saying he did it just to get out.
If only they would actually follow that. Like you guys have said, they won't give up until the person confesses. And if they don't confess they're still going to be stuck in jail until they're proven innocent.
Well I think its more for legal procedings then anything else that way the prosacution has the burden of proof instead of the defense which makes sense if your accusing someone you should have proof that your not BSing.
Like if I said that Green killed a guy I would have to have proof. If that law wasnt there then I could say that make him go to court and prove he didnt and even if there was nothing connecting him to the crime if he had been alone then he would be in some trouble. Does that make sense?
Like if I said that Green killed a guy I would have to have proof.
True, but I'm thinking of people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They might be arrested just for being near a crime, and until they're proven innocent people will treat them as though they're guilty.
Its because they need to be run better. Like the military or state highway patrol both of those are run very strictured and organized you dont question your commander your professional and do your job right. Cops not so much. And some cops in smaller towns have to write a certain amount of tickets a month how stupid is that?
I think that it is BS because even if they have proof of what they did the say innocent until proven guilty and there is a chance tat they might not even go to jail
Like the military or state highway patrol both of those are run very strictured and organized you dont question your commander your professional and do your job right.
My mother used to be a cop. I was eating some popcorn she made and I said it needed more butter. She slaped me.