Both but I like The daily show better because When I watch the Colbert report I don't like getting the feeling that some republicans watching don't get the irony and are seeing it as the truth.
I could swear there was another one of these. . . .
There was.
I like the Daily Show better, Jon Stewart just presents it all better. And it's funnier, but mostly the delivery. Colbert seems a bit fake in my opinion, with the over reacting and such.
I honestly cannot tell who's who in terms of political orientation. . . .
Colbert actually ran for president under both Democrat and Republican parties (you can see a Colbert 08 banner or something once in a while on his set) but he wasn't on the ballot because the South Carolina Senate Voted against him 15-6 or sometyhing like that,I can't remember.
Honestly it kind of varies with each night. Sometimes I'll laugh my ass off at the Daily Show while only having a few chuckles at the Colbert Report, but it's occasionally the other way around. I think my vote would be for The Daily Show, but Colbert is second only be a hair. Besides, how could you not think Colbert's awesome? The man went to Iraq and shaved his head! Lol
I would say the 'Colbert Report'. I can actually hear the guy. (My family has trouble hearing things) Also the 'Daily Show, with Jon Stewart' is more for mature people. Who would actually get the concept of it.
Also just so we dont have anothe argument like one I had earlier.(im not going to say it[thankfully]) What exactly is Irony and Satire.
Daily Show is better, but Colbert is still funny. I guess Jon just has more well written material. Though I got to admit that when Colbert's show just starts and he does some retarded thing for the camera I always laugh my ass off.