Anyone sad? Your thoughts. She officially said that she won't be returning to American Idol because they couldn't work out a new contract. This means that the show will go back to only three judges - Simon, Randy, and Kara.
Oh no the washed up singer who was drunk on the show is leaving im so upset!
lol...once Kara came in it was all over lol.
I hate the way you put it: "quits"They renewed everyones contract but hers, she's been replaced with a new happy make everyone feel good female judge.She got fired.Oh, and American Idol is lame and blah,blah,blah,etc.
finally a real judge i'm so tired of Paula's niceness. she practically said yes to every singer because "your voice is beautiful"
Of course it was Pretty new young judge who gets in fights with girls in bikinis > drunk old judge who is nice to pathetic guys
Kara is soooo annoying.....
No im not sad at all, Im glad that shes gone .... not that I really watch AI any way , its the same thing its so stupid now ....
I don't watch American Idol anymore, but she was always annoying, pretty sure tone deaf too. She would only compliment them, never say anything bad.
She took WAAAAY too much time judging everyone!
My impression:"You may be horrible, but that is a beautiful dress! I say yes!"*Takes more oxycontin*
She never said that
When did she quit? I haven't heard about this... is it a possibility that I'm just slow?
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