This isn't about the meaning of life, for this thread at least please don't get rapped up in whether there's a God or no God. Or which god is the true god.
This is about what we do with our life and why.
I've been thinking about it lately and I've come to some what of a conclusion I think the purpose that drives all of us is first survival. And then are you ready? To entertain ourself's. Why are you on this site? To entertain yourself. Why do you watch TV to entertain yourself. Why do you go to school? Because apparently something there entertains you OR the ultimate reason would be to get a better more entertaining job. While the direct reason of doing something might not be entertainment the real reason is to entertain yourself.
Purpose: 1.the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
is only to survive
The goal of life FOR HUMANS, is to advance your species. Survival may be inherit but it is not the entire goal.
We are all about improving on what humanity is, that is why we live in organized societies. If we didn't then we wouldn't have the communal way of thinking to allow us to advance as a whole species.
Although you could argue we aren't advancing as a species, but as part of a species. So much disparity in the world...
To throw one example out there... ever notice how lactose intolerance rates are different in varying cultures?
When parts of northern Europe started using milk as a source of energy and protein hundreds of years ago because the nothern harsher climates don't allow for the harvesting of winter crops, they developed a resistence to it that's been passed to their ancestors through their genetics.
I read your first post, but I wanna just say that I think the meaning of life is to find the meaning of technically we'll never find it cause we already know it, but people will still always be searching for it. I don't care if you think it made sense or not, you just have to think it through and you'll get what I'm saying