tell me your favorite movie of all time. mine is "Wanted" its about assasins!
i like superbad and rolemodels
17 Again, Zac effron, I never even watched High School Musical, (ewww), But I think he did this movie pretty good.
17 Again
I loooove the newest harry potter movie! It's perfectly perfect in every perfect of it's perfect way!
That's a tough call, I don't know if I can narrow it down to one so here's a few in no particular order:-Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back-Pulp Fiction-Kill Bill 1 & 2-Batman + Batman: Returns-Watchmen
mine is TAKEN
Oh I have so many favorites. You're gonna have to narrow it downa bit...
At the moment, definitely Snatch.
I would have to say my all time favorite is Ghostbusters.
I don't have a "favorite movie" cause I can decide which one to pick, but I do like the Rambo movies.
The Hangover is my favorite for the moment, but it will change soon!
I think The Lord of the Rings.
SAW is my favorite because i like blood and gore and it has a good message to the movie which is value your life and dont take it for granted
Harry Potter 1-4 were all good, but my favorite has to be either V for Vendetta or Transformers 2.
We Were Soldiers, it's about Vietnam and stars Mel GibbsonThat's my favorite movie.
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