If you live in America(particularly Utah or Idaho) you've had religious converters of all kinds trying to get you to join their religion. Whether you're atheist, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, whatever you believe, you've had people knocking on your door with the sole purpose to get you to join their church. My question: Is it going too far? The laws of America state that people are free to have whatever religion they want to. It's not breaking any laws to go door to door and hand out pamphlets, but it does get annoying. This means that if you're not in a certain religion, you'll always have people trying to force that religion on you(not forcefully but oratorically). Is it going too far? What are your thoughts?
Its perfectly legal to do and it should be. the practice of spreading other ideas around to people is a right all Americans, no wait everyone, should have. I heard that going from door to door does convert people for the better which is okay with me. Granted it does get rather annoying. (I live in town where everybody is either Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, or Protestant.) There are only a handful of Catholics(Which I have to say are very nice, polite, and respectful people.) and only about 10[including myself] atheists. When ever I'm around some Mormons they give me a hard time for being an atheist. Maybe its where I live, but the Mormons give every non-Mormon a hard time. Sorry for having such an abysmal look on them, but I just have bad experiences with them. By the way, I don't live in Utah.
They are allowed to do as they wish. I have to admit that it is very annoying, but you should be allowed to talk to others about religion in just the same way that you go to someone and convince them that Nissan is better than Honda.
Some communities, however, have a no soliciting policy. And you could in this case get in trouble for bothering people.
It's legal, and certainly should be legal, but it is bothersome. I use to have a Jehovah Witness come to my house with pamphlets at least once a week. They have the right to share their views with you, even if it is annoying.
I'm not saying it is illegal or anything, but it gets annoying when you get people coming up to your house every day. I used to live in Utah, and would have Mormons come knocking at my door at least once a week.
Some communities, however, have a no soliciting policy.
And if your neighborhood doesn't you can get a sign to put on your door that says no soliciting. That should take care of them. However, I agree it if very annoying when people do that. It's like going to someone's house and telling them to go to a Corvette show every Wednesday. They don't know us, so why do they assume we're interested in their church/show?