I dont really like them because they seem so narrow they seem to be a bit like lobbyists to me. They only care about one subject. I need a lot more they a stance on copy right laws to like a party.
Plus I disagree with them anyway. If file sharing is decriminalized it would really hurt the entertainment industry. you cant forget there are a lot more people they just the stars that make millions that work in the industry. And if people can just download stuff for free thats a lot of people who might be out of a job or at least have a very hard time paying the bills.
And if there is less money going into the industry the quality of music and movies etc will go down
I laughed so hard @ tanks chain post. I just love how convincing it is. xD /offtopic
Their copy right ideas, if I understand them correctly, seem a bit ridiculous. If file sharing was legal no one would actually pay for the music, movies, etc that they download. Then the people who produce those would quit, obviously, since they're losing money. There goes entertainment.
Well, given that many people already do illegal downloading..whilst there are still so may others who prefer a solid hard copy, the real dedicated people, I would say legalize downloads, if the producers themselves agree too. Or at least lower the prices.
Though I wouldn't really want to see them have a majority. Just a coalition, since they don't really have a plan for anything other than the issue of piracy.