ForumsWEPRFox News = Scapegoat-like?

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8,051 posts

All I ever hear is how horribly biased Fox News is. So what? MSNBC is just as biased but it is never whispered. Too many people are developing prejudices towards what news station you listen to. If it is one they disagree with, they turn a blind eye to your credibility.

I'm tired of this.

  • 5 Replies
5,579 posts

Welcome to the land of bashing conservatives. I personally don't have any trust towards half the people on this site (The ones that bash Fox). While I don't watch it so much anymore, I still attain a lot of my political knowledge from watching them a while ago. And I just committed debate suicide in some peoples eyes.

Going back to other people, every time I ask for some proof on why they are 'fear mongers', or are 'extremely biased' I never get an answer. Why? Because it's BS, and they know it. They're just to stubborn and arrogant to admit that they aren't as evil as they make them out to be. They're just like every other station, except they represent at least one person from the other side, while CNN, NBC, etc. never do.


5,579 posts

Its because Fox is so biased its impossible to actually mention a bit of info you got from there without getting nasty comments shoved down your throat >.<

And CNN isn't? ABC? NBC?
368 posts

Well if you think about it, a lot of people who post online are younger and most young people nowadays lean toward being liberal.

Other stations are biased as well, but some of the people on fox are quite radical about what they say. I hear many ridiculous things people on fox have said.

Fox seems to be the most noticably biased station, with people on fox saying crazy things.

9,821 posts

What I think the problem is not that Fox is more biased - it's very biased, but about as much as CNN - but Fox is more noticeably biased than other stations because of how many interviews end up in shouting matches and such. Also, Fox isn't 100% news station - a lot of the shows are part news part entertainment, and I think the comicality of the bias of Fox shows, whereas in other news stations, they're a bit more collected and serious - but still very very biased.

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