I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
There may be a WW3. This war cant become a big war b/c they arent really fighting. We just need to kill them with nukes or poison gas. Our government wont do anything without going through 10 monthes of congressional hearings. In other words we'd lose any real war we fought.
Of course there will be. As long as people are on this Earth, they will continue to fight and wage wars. It might not happen soon (I hope it doesn't), but eventually someone will screw something up.
Well i just think that someone will nuke the US (lets say russia) then the US and its friends will nuke them back then some countries then the countries around russia will get anrgy cause of the fallout and nuke then back after which nukes will be flighting everywhere killing every thing on earth!!!
Well, pretty much if anyone in this world nukes anyone else, the entire rest of the planet would fight against them. So no country would do that, unless they basically wanted to commit country suicide. But hey, some people in power out there ARE crazy...
if there is a WW3 we are all in trouble,and i mean BIG TROUBLE the advance in bombs and bomb making is massive compared to WW2. before it starts you might as well get the kitchen knife reddy to kill your self it will be a lot less pain full than some of these bombs that fire sevrel thousand spikes at you. not for getting the advance in the gasses that they can use lets hope that the world leaders find some brain cells befor this happens (ps i am not a terroist i was bored 1 weekend so i look up bombs =D)
jedimaster909 nobody said that the Terrorists were Islamic ok. So you do have to say that most islamics are not terrorists everytime someone says something about terrorism.
I do think there will be a ww3 whit that many nukes around the world and the terrorist, but when Bush leaves the office, I think things would go nicer, I'm glad I live in Mexico, we are more or less a country of peace!