ForumsGame WalkthroughsHow to beat Colony mission 4/6

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6 posts

Hello, and this is my first guide. Some people seem to be having trouble with missions 4 and 6, so played then and found some ways to beat them.

Mission 4
First, build bank, then forge. Set forge to salvage. Don't worry about the 3 scouts he sends, the base will destroy them. Make a generator ASAP. After a while, the enemy will send a group of marines/scouts. Start making scouts with rally point, and after a while they will die and you will have a group of about 20. Stop making scouts, and make an armory, on to energy. From now on, it's easy and you can attack. Send your group to attack, and make more scouts with rally point off. Just sit back and watch as you destroy him. This mission is quite easy.

Mission 6
Build bank, then outpost. Make a tank from the outpost to clear out some marines that will destroy your partner's scouts. After your scouts/tank are destroyed, put on rally point and make tanks. When you can, make 2 armories and set to reinforcements- now you gain supplies while making tanks. After a while, the attack wave is destroyed, this mission becomes extremely easy. Upgrade to barracks, and send your tanks to attack. Rally point about 10 groditz, and then send them out. You can also deploy a mod phantom if you want, because it's communist, I think, and you get the purple stuff from killing. From this point on, turn off rally point and just watch as your groditz, tanks, partner's phantoms/sakatas own everything. This mission is a quite a bit harder than mission 4, but mission 5 is still harder than this.

I'm still not quite sure of a way to easily beat mission 5, but hope these 2 guides help! Thanks for reading.

  • 40 Replies
6 posts

Raiderfan4life, what can't you beat? I tried to beat it using the strategies listed and they worked.

1 posts

That last mission is just plain BULLSHIT!

2 posts

I know how to beat mission 5 Easily.

First build an armory and set to finance. When you have enough resources, build another armory set also on finance. Then build a third armory and set on reserve power or reinforcements. Then you build a outpost and upgrade all the way to arsenal then have 2 armories on reinforcements and one on reserve power. Rally point like 10 hover tanks and charge!

434 posts

Thanks! It worked awesome.

Now I am like super good on multi player.

19 posts

kinda helped

266 posts

I know how to beat mission 5 Easily.
First build an armory and set to finance. When you have enough resources, build another armory set also on finance. Then build a third armory and set on reserve power or reinforcements. Then you build a outpost and upgrade all the way to arsenal then have 2 armories on reinforcements and one on reserve power. Rally point like 10 hover tanks and charge!

Did you mean mission 6? In mission 5 if you build the third armory before any outpost you'll be toasted already...
6 posts

I also have some tips for multiplayer.

1. This is the most obvious, but have ONE PERSON BUILD A FORGE AND THE OTHER PERSON BUILD AN OUTPOST. If you don't, you'll have major problems, say with 2 outposts, countering air, and overall, you'll get smoked by a combo of air and ground from the opponent.
2. Resource buildings first. Build a bank, then treasury, then armory/generator->solar grid, then armory, then forge/outpost. There may be some problems with rushes, but most rushes unless huge, will be stopped by the main base. This allows you to get maximum resources, instead of say, bank then forge on salvage, because solar grids make a hell lot more energy than forges. And armories are best for manpower.
3. If you have sakata mk 2's, and you're attacking the base with an army, make them hold somewhere a little behind your ground units. This way the base will not kill them, nor will hover tanks, as they are behind reach, and still do the same as if they are trying to run over their base. If you don't make them hold, they will die quickly from enemy units.
4. Hit 'n' Run. This is a good strategy, if the opponents don't have units that can counter something. For example, if you see about 10 hover tanks and nothing else, make 5 phantoms and rush with them. They will annihilate the hover tanks without taking any or much damage, leaving whoever made the tanks really pissed off. Also, you can hit 'n' run with sakata mk 2's, that out range scouts, if I'm not mistaken. I've won a whole game with almost no help from my partner by making 10 phantoms and 5 sakatas, and hitting 'n' running hover tanks and massed scouts so there was no army and charging. Also, with the black queen that has a land bomb every 10 seconds, send her forward a little bit and bomb one time, and run back, and repeat after 10 seconds. This is extremely cheap and there is almost no risk of countering unless they see it coming or have scouts, since queen bombs out range everything. This will destroy massed groditz, as they are 1 hit ko'd by bombs. The other people will probably not try to attack back if you do this, too. But they will soon learn and build sakatas, so stop if you see more than 5 as they can destroy your queen easily.

A good strategy if the opponent doesn't have an army or a has a small one, is to be outpost, use above strategy, but when you're upgrading to barracks, switch one armory to energy, and upgrade to arsenal. Wait for a little while, and you should have 100+ energy and 300+ manpower. Tell your partner to make about 5-10 sakata mk 2's, and some phantoms. Turn off rally point, and auto-make hover tanks. This is an almost guaranteed win unless the opponent has a small army of about 5 hovers/phantoms/black queens. Your hovers will kill all land units easily, and sakatas will kill any scouts/phantoms/queens that appear. I've won at least 10 games with people of all ability levels with this strategy, and only lose when they make a bigger army.

Hope this helps you people!

5 posts

I have a strategy that gots snipers and groditz

Just send 10 snipers to guard then groditz and snipers mixed if u can. Try it and tell me if it works

5 posts

it might not work for u guys but try it and see comment back if u tryed this i understand if it doensen't work

33 posts

why does everyone think misson 5 is hard?I think it is easy

131 posts

dude misiion 5 easiest 1 fisrt make the bank then treasury then make an electric thing then solar panel then forge or outpost make the missile tower then when they have lots of men use missles
make lots of snipers and groditz send them over and cover with missles and game over you win you may have to try a couple of times cause they may rush u and might win

131 posts

None of the missions were that hard I beat them all easy

3 posts

Mission 4 Strategy: FAIL.

3 posts

And i think i dont must tank about the 6 Mission one.

12 posts

mission 4 just make phantoms u will win, if they make anti air send out romans.

mission 6:
armory, outpost, barracks. in the missions, if you have groditz nothing can kill you. XD

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